Safety Videos Safety Tips & Settings


New! Click here to read Net Cetera.

Net Cetera is published by OnGuardOnline, a public-private coalition consisting of more than a dozen federal agencies, including the FCC, the FTC, and the Department of Education. The guide covers a wide range of topics, including social networking, cyberbullying, sexting, using mobile phones safely, and protecting the family computer.


Hemanshu Nigam, Chief Security OfficerMySpace is a global lifestyle portal that reaches millions of people around the world. It's important to know that you—and each person on the site—play an important role in keeping the community safe.

This site is dedicated to helping you learn how you can keep yourself and your family safe online, and on a lifestyle portal like MySpace. Throughout this site, you will find useful safety information, tips and resources to navigate online communities and to help teach your family and friends to do the same. 

MySpace is steadfast in our commitment to keeping people safe online through unique safety features and technology, partnerships with safety organizations and law enforcement, and our support of new laws that will nurture the growth of online safety tools, education and research.

We hope that this site will give you some of the necessary tools and tips to stay safe, and have fun, while online.

Hemanshu Nigam
Chief Security Officer