Gov. Jack Markell


I greatly appreciate the support I have received from people up and down the state of Delaware and look forward to this opportunity to serve as your Governor. I am truly honored by the trust that has been placed in me by the people of our state and will do everything I can to reward that trust over the next four years.

This website is designed to help you learn more about my efforts and to keep you informed about the latest news and announcements regarding my administration. Most importantly, I hope you will use this opportunity to share your insights, to help us improve the ways in which state government meets the needs of the people it serves and to deliver the change our state needs.

April 26, 2010
CDF Votes for Economic Renewal of Former GM, Valero Plants and Supports Other Jobs

April 23, 2010
Governor's Weekly Message to Delawareans

April 22, 2010
"BFF" Effort Launched to Recruit New Employers to Delaware

April 21, 2010
Governor Announces Support For Legislation Enhancing Library Internet Protection For Children

April 19, 2010
Governor and First Lady Dedicate First Public Park in Newport

Read more news from 2010
Subscribe to the Governor's News Feeds.

“This budget, while difficult, furthers the goals and vision I outlined in the State of the State. It demands a leaner, more efficient government. It encourages economic growth, and it better allows our children to get a world-class education so they can work in first-class jobs.”

–Governor Markell

image: state of the state

Last Updated: Thursday, 11-Mar-2010 15:48:33 EST
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