Unidata - To provide the data services, tools, and cyberinfrastructure leadership that advance Earth system science, enhance educational opportunities, and broaden participation. Unidata
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Unidata provides a broad array of data and software tools for use in geoscience education and research.   more >
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Research Feature: Using Unidata Tools to Visualize Fish Habitats

by Tiffany Vance and Unidata Staff

Unidata tools, technologies, and services play a significant role in data integration and access at NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service. Dr. Tiffany Vance studies oceanic habitats to support ecosystem based management and marine spatial planning. A trio of Unidata tools--netCDF, THREDDS, and the Integrated Data Viewer--aid Dr. Vance in her research on the critical impacts of climate change on non-human organisms, in this case, fish habitats.
Read Full Story >

Posted: February 4, 2010


2010 Unidata Equipment Awards

Under sponsorship of the National Science Foundation, the Unidata Program Center (UPC) announces the 2010 Unidata Community Equipment Awards solicitation. A total of $100,000, including UCAR overhead, is available for awards this year. Proposals for amounts up to $20,000 will be considered. The deadline date for submitting proposals is April 2, 2010. Notification of award status will be made by June 2010.

If the answer is yes to any of the questions below, the Unidata Equipment Awards Program will be of interest to you. We are now soliciting proposals for computer equipment purchases from academic institutions engaged in teaching and research in the geosciences. See solicitation.

  • Are you interested in participating in the Unidata program?
  • Do you need to purchase or upgrade your equipment to join the Unidata program or continue your participation?
  • Do you have some special datasets or an innovative tool to contribute to the Unidata community?

Follow this link to see the focus of the 2010 awards.

The EGU abstract deadline is looming! January 18, 2010 is the date.

Springtime in Wien means many things not the least of which is the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly scheduled for May 2-7, 2010.

The Earth & Space Science Informatics Session was accepted as a Division of EGU in 2008. There was instant interest in the various sessions available for presenters to discuss and display their research and technologies to EGU participants, because of the constant advances associated with ESSI activities. We'd like to continue the momentum!

Please browse the Session Programme and submit to your sessions of interest. You may specify your preference for either a poster or oral presentation.

General meeting information is available at http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2010/

Follow the Call for Papers and the links to Earth and Space Science Informatics to submit your abstract. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2010/sessionprogramme/ESSI

Final Report Unidata 2008 Final Report

The Unidata Program Center is pleased to share with you the final report for the Unidata 2008 core-funding award, which funded the Unidata program during 2003-2009. The report, submitted to NSF, summarizes the activities, accomplishments, and contributions of the Unidata Program.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made all of this possible: governing committees, many community members, collaborators, and NSF, our primary sponsor, for supporting and guiding the program.

Posted: December 18, 2009

Unidata 25th Anniversary Participants

"Celebrate the Past, Focus on the Present, and Dream about the Future"

Fill in the blanks: Unidata's 25th anniversary event was __? Well, it was many things. It was a stroll down memory lane with reminiscences from founding fathers and early program center employees; it was light hearted and fun. Some speakers flattered while others challenged. Most of all the event was collegial and warm hearted with old friends greeting one another, newcomers meeting, greeting, and becoming acquainted, staff overseeing it all while participating in all of the activity. It was a delightful event.

Information about the event is available and active. It has been updated with links to all presentations. In addition, we webcast the event from start to finish, and we invite you to browse them as interest and time permit.

We thank each of you who took time from retirement activities or busy professional duties and commitments to celebrate this milestone with us, and we hope that many of you will be sticking around for the spirit and adventure of the next twenty-five.

To view the archived web cast of this event please see: Webcasts.

Posted: October 21, 2009

GEMPAK Mesoscale Model Display
GEMPAK Real-time Mesoscale Model Display
GEMPAK display of most recent Real-time mesoscale model output using objective region of interest selection.
IDV Display
IDV Wind iso-surface
IDV display of wind iso-surface of 27 m/s derived from a WS-ETA (4 KM resolution) model output during Katrina's landfall, and including Level II RADAR BREF 14 data from KLIX and KMOB.
Community Member Site Highlight
The College of DuPage Next generation Weather Lab
The College of DuPage Next Generation Weather Lab utilizes the LDM/IDD, GEMPAK and McIDAS to provide timely and useful graphical and textual weather data.   more >>
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