Sarah Palin on 'Glenn Beck'

Thursday, January 14, 2010

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 13, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Welcome to "The Glenn Beck Program."

Tonight, we are at Battery Gardens. It's a restaurant in Lower Manhattan. We're just a couple of blocks away from where the World Trade Center used to stand, and the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island are about — about a half mile out there. You can see the statue.

We have a full hour with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. She's now a FOX News contributor. And this is the first time that we've actually sat in the same room and looked eyeball to eyeball with each other. And I picked this spot because of that statue. And what it means.

Before we start, Sarah, I want to read what I wrote last night in my journal, because it's about you.

Tomorrow, I meet Sarah Palin and family for the first time. I'm actually a little nervous — as she is one of the only people that I can see that can possibly lead us out of where we are. I don't know yet if she's strong enough, if she's well enough advised, or if she knows she can no longer trust anyone. I don't know if she can lead and not lose her soul.

That is where I'd like to go for the next hour, to find out if this is the woman that can lead us and not lose her soul.

Hang on, here we go.


BECK: Hello, America. Welcome to the program. Sarah Palin is here.

When we were just in the scene there, you just said two words.

SARAH PALIN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes. That trust thing, you nailed it with that question, you know? Trustworthy people surrounding us, leading us, we've got to be able to trust — but very, very dangerous to trust people in this business of politics, Glenn.

BECK: You know, there's — the reason why I selected this particular location for several reasons, but one of them is the Statue of Liberty.
The main reason is the Statue of Liberty.

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There are very few things, if I say think of the Capitol building, you don't trust it. Think of the courthouses, I don't know if everybody trusts that anymore.


BECK: Think of the White House, you don't trust that. Think of the people you trust. I have learned in the last year I can't trust anybody.


BECK: And I know the moment that I learned that. I can tell you the specific moment and the specific person, where it took my breath away and I went — oh, my gosh, I'm living in a different world.

PALIN: Yes. Yes.

BECK: Do you know that moment with you?

PALIN: I know that moment. Todd and I have had those moments with those around us. It happens to be those who have been in the political arena. Not in our real world, our family. Trust people there. But, yes, not a comfortable place to be when there is so much doubt as who you can trust.

BECK: Did you know — or will you share the moment when you're out on the road and you realized, "I am surrounded by sharks. I'm surrounded by people who I didn't even — I didn't think people were really like this"?

PALIN: You know, there were some of those who absolutely fit that description. There were others who were so amazing and awesome and sincere. And I thank God for those people who were surrounding the campaign who fit that description, because they were essentially the saviors of my sanity in the campaign.

Had it not been for those who were sincere and wanted to see our ticket win, to serve for the right reasons, I would have lost all hope in this political system that we have that is embraced by voters because they don't know any better — think, especially, the generation today that is — that is a voting age. And they're looking at candidates, they're looking at campaigns, and they can see through the insincerity. They see the broken promises and yet, they feel, Glenn, that maybe they don't have any other choice, maybe that's just the way it's going to be.

BECK: I think people buy.

PALIN: It's disheartening and that's what needs to change.

BECK: I think people buy into — well, they're all like that. And a good portion of them are. Not all of them, but a good portion are. And this is just the system and this is just the way it works. And until we change that, I think, nothing's going to happen. We got to break that.

PALIN: Well, we break that by — at all levels getting the real people, the sincere people. People who are almost reluctant to serve to get in there, run for office, and be willing to put their lives on the line in service to their country, their states, their communities.

BECK: You and I have both — I mean, do you — I mean, I was driving over and in fact, let me — I wrote some notes here.

PALIN: While you were driving?

BECK: No, no. No.

PALIN: We don't do that in Alaska.

BECK: Of course not. I wouldn't do that. No.

OK. You and I both were, I think, the number one and number two Halloween costume of the year. Did you know that? We both have been nailed on "Saturday Night Live" as being stupid. We are also both just recently voted on the most admired list of people in the world. We both have been on the cover of major magazines in the last year.

We're both probably — probably top five most hated people in America.

PALIN: I dare say.

BECK: We are both told that we just don't get it. I mean, the list goes on and on and on. The coming out of nowhere, not having a — being out of the system. Can you survive and be out of the system?

PALIN: I think that there are a whole lot of us who want to prove that you can survive and succeed being out of the system because the system is broken. The system is what creates this disenchantment with the people looking at the political system, saying, "We don't like that. That is not a representative form of government that our country was founded upon. We want to change it. We want to see people succeed. Not just survive but succeed being outside of the system."

BECK: When I first started talking about radical revolutionary crazy people in the White House and surrounding the system, did you at first believe it?

PALIN: I believed it and we wave some red flags in the election, John McCain and I, and those around us as to what was coming. The obvious red flag, the "redistribution of wealth" statement that President Obama had said as a candidate and we were perplexed at the end of the day that people heard those statements and yet still chose that route.

BECK: It killed me to vote for John McCain. And I voted for John McCain because of you. John McCain is a progressive. John McCain, he's an honorable man.

PALIN: He is an honorable man.

BECK: He's an honorable man. And that goes a long way. There's — I mean, that's a rare island to find. He's an honorable man.

But he's also a progressive. He's big government. He was for the bank bailouts. He was for the health care. He's for all of it. He's for all of it.

PALIN: Look what he's doing now, though. He, along with, I think, a whole lot of other politicians are saying, "Hmm, maybe that more progressive road that we were on is not accepted by the electorate anymore," and as we see, the poll numbers changing. That's why you see pressure from the tea party movement, from others, wanting to — wanting those common sense conservative values back in.

Look what he's doing now — he's the one leading the fight against government taking over health care.

BECK: Do you believe — I mean, I can't. I don't believe in any of these people anymore. Their time for mea culpa was over. You know, when they lost in 2006, because they were big spenders and they violated everything that they said they were going to do, that was the time for them to come out and go — gee, I'm a dummy. I got lost. I've been lying, cheating and stealing. I get it.

They didn't do it. Then they lost with John McCain. Still didn't do it.

When they come out now this close to the election — why, as a voter, should I believe them?

PALIN: A lot of voters won't believe any kind of change there in their thinking, or the policies that they want to see implemented. And that's why you're going to see, made manifest this anti-incumbency sentiment that so many of us are kind of embracing right now. And there will be some exceptions with some of the incumbents, but overall, I think, people are saying, "Now is the time where a lesson is going to be learned.

BECK: Do you think there's going to be any difference between Chris Dodd and Blumenthal? It's the party, not the people. It's the parties, not the people at this point. Don't you think?

PALIN: There is hope, though. There is some time for change here in the coming months.

It all is incumbent upon the people, their voice, how well they want their voice, how insistent they are that their candidates listen to them — actually hear what they are saying, actually hear these common sense solutions that are so clear to so many of us, to be implemented to meet these health care challenges ands to shrink the government, not grow it, not hand this immoral debt to our children and grandchildren. Common sense solutions that sometimes we're made to feel stupid because we believe in these common sense solutions and they try to complicate things and try to confuse the electorate.

Yes, there's so much frustration out there. But I'm not going to lose hope that in these coming months before this midterm elections, before this 2010 election face-off, I'm not going to lose hope that things won't change.

BECK: Oh, things will change. I think the paradigm — I say it on my show all the time — the paradigm is about to change. Everything is unsustainable.


BECK: The media, the way it's being done right now is unsustainable.


BECK: The debt is unsustainable. Politics, the way we collect votes un — it's all unsustainable. Trust, the way it is now is unsustainable.

I feel like we're on the verge of — I don't even know what it felt like at the edge of the Industrial Revolution, or edge of the American Revolution, or the civil war, or any of the times — at the end of World War II where you could feel it. And it's always been a good thing in America except for civil war where you could feel — wow, things are going to change.

PALIN: Wow. Yes. Yes.

BECK: What do we change into?

PALIN: And I think things are going to change, too. And if you look back in history, you see that it is about — every 200 years, something drastically changes in a society, in a culture, in a governmental system.
We're due for that change — just on a historical perspective, it shows us that yes, something is coming.

BECK: Have you seen the case that I've made on Cloward and Piven and they're intentionally trying to spend us into oblivion.


BECK: Do you believe it?

PALIN: I do. I do believe it, because again, Glenn, we can't be so stupid as to see these common sense solutions — hey, government, quit thinking that the health care solution is for the government to take it over and run a system better than the private sector system. We see something like that, we scratch our heads and say, "Well, what are we missing?" It's a ridiculous notion that the White House has to take over health care and think that they can run it better.

We cannot be missing something so blatantly. It has to be purposeful what they are doing. Otherwise — otherwise I would say, Glenn, that there is no hope, that there are no solutions.

BECK: Is — you see the Fed made the — you know, Exxon had their record profit a couple years ago. It was $45 billion. The Fed just had record profit, over $50 billion. Nobody is having hearings on the Fed.
Nobody is looking for a windfall profit tax on the Fed. Nobody seems to — we can't even open the Fed's books.


BECK: Where do you stand on the Fed?

PALIN: It's so ironic there too, especially that you bring up this private sector company Exxon. In Alaska, we saw what was going on with Exxon and we did have our own hearings on what was going on with this private sector company and how could the state of Alaska adjust some things to make sure that there was a share of the resource. Yet, you're right — nobody has even lifted a finger to go that route with the Fed.

And it's a scary thing. It's one of those things that we're thankful for, Glenn, that you bringing this to light. And I don't know anybody else who is — certainly nobody else who has a platform or megaphone like you do.

BECK: And we have to take a break here, I just want to end with this question. Is universal health care constitutional?

PALIN: I don't believe that it is constitutional. I believe that it violates the Tenth Amendment. I believe it usurps states rights. I believe it is — aside from the unconstitutional aspect of this, I think it is the most wrong-headed thing that Obama is trying to cram down our throat. And I cannot believe — I know that people are outraged about it, but I cannot believe that those on Capitol Hill are still not listening to the outrage of the people and still want to see this thing get crammed down our throat.

BECK: So, if you have to ask yourself why — you have to ask why they're all throwing themselves on the altar of this, the bribes, the corruption, the coercion, the SEIU "break your kneecaps" kind of stuff, do you even — I said a year ago, it was a year ago Christmas: a year from now, you will not recognize your country.

Put yourself back a year ago last Christmas. Go into a coma. Wake up. Do you recognize your country?

PALIN: Already the change is creating this unrecognizable system that we're a part of. But, yes, with the — especially with the health care.
When incumbents are even willing to give up their power, their seat when they're saying, "Hey, if it costs me my seat in Congress, it costs me my seat in Congress. I'm going to cram this thing through anyway." That's a scary, scary thing to consider.

BECK: It's not, if they are doing it on principles. It is if they're doing it on for bribes, money, power, position.

PALIN: I want to know what their principles are then. I want to know why they think that this ...

BECK: Exactly right.

PALIN: ... is principled at all.

BECK: Exactly right.

OK. Back in just a second.


BECK: Back with a full hour with Governor Sarah Palin. Painful yet?
Because we've got — we got stacks of documents.

PALIN: Come on. Bring it on. Let's go.


BECK: How — what is it? What is it like to be you, to walk in and you just never know — do you feel like — outside of the people, do you feel like there's anybody that you can trust?

PALIN: Outside of the people and outside of my family — again, it's very, very difficult to find those whom I would trust with my children's life.

BECK: You were on — yes, very difficult.


BECK: You were on the most admired list. You're number two.

PALIN: The most curious list.

BECK: The most curious — why it was the most curious list?

PALIN: Well, it could have been — are you sure it was the most admired and not.

BECK: Yes. It was the most admired list. Who beat you? It was Hillary Clinton — which I find interesting. But she's been.

PALIN: She always wins.

BECK: Yes, she always wins.

PALIN: Typical.

BECK: She's the anti-Susan Lucci of this list.

You were number two. When you saw it, what went through your mind and what did the list tell you?

PALIN: A list like that is like a poll, Glenn. I can't put a whole lot of stock or faith or hope in a poll like that to show me what I need to do, where I need to go next. I can keep everything in pretty healthy perspective, because my kids keep me grounded.

BECK: That's interesting, because I was on the list. I was fourth on the list. And my reaction was I'm sandwiched between Nelson Mandela and the Pope. And I thought, this is the most ridiculous list I've ever seen because one of these things just doesn't belong. But my thought on it was: it shows how desperate people are, or how few choices there are.

PALIN: That's got to be what it is.

BECK: . for people to see other people who say, I think they believe it, and I think whether I agree or disagree with them, they'll risk everything to be able to stand and tell the truth.

Do you see any truth to that?

PALIN: I see truth to that in our society and in our culture that there are so many Americans who believe that there aren't a whole lot of individuals that they can trust.

BECK: So, now, let me go back to putting everything up on the line and the paradigm changing. Harry Reid has been in trouble this week, saying, you know, just a stupid comment.


BECK: Trent Lott, you know, he was drummed out of the party. What are your thoughts on the Harry Reid thing first?

PALIN: I don't believe that he's a racist but I believe that his comments, you can't defend them. I want to see him go anyway, you know, for.

BECK: But why take him out this way? Let the people decide.

PALIN: And the people are going to decide and I think he is going go and it is time.

BECK: OK. I think, I mean, the double standard is so clear and all of the games that are played.

PALIN: So hypocritical, it just makes my stomach sick.

BECK: Yes.

PALIN: Yes. Yes.

BECK: I don't even want to — we don't need even to go there and everybody knows there's double standard. However with that being said, I think the paradigm is about to change. These people have overplayed their hands.

You have a handicapped child and I have a handicapped child. I'm not going to call anybody handy-capable. I think it's insulting to everybody.

First of all, as a mom, does that made you — did I just anger you?

PALIN: No. For some reason, I wasn't offended.

BECK: OK. Good.

The — this P.C. thing.


BECK: I think a lot of people play this P.C. game for a long time, because "A," we're good people. Nobody wants to hurt anybody's feelings generally. And "B," Americans just want to get along. They're just like — I just, it's not worth it, just get along.

I think that's changing. I think people at home, you can call 'em racist or you can call 'em bigots or you can call 'em hatemongers, you can say they're starving children, you can say anything. People are starting to say, "I know the truth. I don't care what you say." Agree or disagree?

PALIN: I agree that you're seeing that — that shift and thank God for that, because look at what some other countries are shifting into.
Look at what's going on in France where that psychological abuse, those words spoken that aren't politically correct and accepted in that country won't be allowed. It will be deemed illegal.

Now, some who want us to turn into a country like that scare the heck out of me. And, unfortunately, some of those people are leading our country today.

BECK: You were — you bring up France — you were telling me before we went on the air stuff I didn't know about the Statue of Liberty and the
24 windows.

PALIN: Twenty-five windows. Yes.

BECK: What is this?

PALIN: Gems, representing the natural resources in our nation.

BECK: Yes, I didn't — I didn't know that.

PALIN: Well, I had my son Google for me real quick. What does everything mean? What are the symbols?

BECK: Did you think there will be a test on this?

PALIN: Yes. I thought, oh, no, he's going to do a gotcha on what do those seven points mean and that's why I google — I had Track google real quick.


BECK: ... seven points are just rays of light. They're not crown — it's not really a crown of seven, it's the rays of light. Did you ever see the Michaelangelo's Moses where he has horns?


BECK: That's a misinterpretation from the Latin. It can be interpreted rays of light or horns.


BECK: And somehow or another, they interpreted it as horns, but it's actually just the rays of light.

PALIN: Well, so full of symbolism, though. And those seven points represent our seas, our continents. Anyway, my son, I asked him very quickly, "Tell me what all this means." He says, "Quite timely, mom. I'll tell you what the Statue of Liberty means. It just got a tattoo of the Statue of Liberty on my arm." Thanks, Track, for letting me know that.

But I learned a lot about it this morning.

BECK: It's — what people don't understand about this is this almost a — this is France saying to the French, "We need to be more like America."


BECK: And it's interesting now that we have so lost our way.


BECK: ... that we say we need to be more like Europe.

PALIN: Right.

BECK: What we ran from, we seem to have so many in our country trying to run back to.

PALIN: And you're right. Even the French recognized, too, the potential in this free country. And the French gifted this to us, this, in partnership, this international symbol of liberty and freedom — the French hoping that we wouldn't lose that and we won't evolve into something more along their lines. And yet, yes, right, look at this full circle thing.

BECK: Here we are.

Back in just a second.



BECK: We're coming to you today live from lower Manhattan. We're just a couple of blocks away from the world trade center site, which is still empty. I mean every time I pass it — I don't come down to this part
of Manhattan for a reason. Because every time I pass it, it makes me
thinks to myself who are we, that we can't get this done. And behind me is the Statue Liberty and Ellis Island. Which I want to talk to Governor Palin about Ellis Island here in a minute.

But first, I want to have a conversation with you about things that I think about three percent of this nation is afraid of. And the rest of us get it. And that's God. And the role that God plays in our country, the role that God plays in your personal life. Where do you want to start?

PALIN: Yes, well that three percent may be afraid to acknowledge or talk about God will be the three percent that mock what I have to say next.
And they happened to be the loud mockers, though, so be prepared for what I say about God that there is nothing more important in my life than my relationship with God than my faith. And in this past year especially, past year-and-a-half, I have been so driven to my knees to pray for his guidance, for his wisdom, for his grace and his strength.

And I'm never going to tell anybody else how to live. I'm never going to preach to anybody else and tell them you must do that but I'd surely like to see more Americans give it a try. And seek that guidance that are founding fathers sought and were able to craft documents that allowed America to become the greatest, strong and healthy, most prosperous nation on this earth.

BECK: I announced today on the radio and I guess I'll announce it here too. I'm going to be the keynote speaker at CPAC this year in a few weeks. And what I'm going to talk about there is the conservatives. We have to just not be afraid to say what we are. And we have to define what we believe in God. Because I don't know, I mean, I know some, I know some people who are like I'm going to back guys going for Jesus. That's great. You go your own way. But that is not the role of government.


BECK: I don't care, as long as you're not harming society, whatever.
But I happen to believe and so did the founder, although Thomas Payne we believe was an atheist. God played an essential role in the founding of this nation. And it seems to me the farther we get away from that notion, the more trouble we get into.

PALIN: Yes and not just the thinking and hoping that God played a role as they thought, the divine inspiration for those words in our documents that allowed America to be but it's factual. And we have proof and we have the documents and we have the writings of our founding fathers and founding mothers who so believed that this country being dedicated to God to doing good for mankind and seeking his wisdom, we would be a blessed country. And so many of us today believe, OK that hasn't changed but are we doing our part to keep it going?

BECK: Let me ask you this and maybe we can both self-destruct here.


BECK: A lot of the stuff that I do is because I believe that there are going to be eternal ramifications for anybody who sees it. And it goes back to Ezekiel. There were a lot of watchmen on the towers. If you see it and you don't warn others, you're in trouble. We have rights that don't come from Congress, they come from God. If we lose those rights, do you believe we'll be held, each individual, if you didn't stand to protect the rights for future generations and protect liberty, do you believe you'll be held eternally responsible?

PALIN: I do believe we have that responsibility here and we do have,
I believe that there are eternal ramifications based on what we do here.

BECK: Does it motivate you?

PALIN: It motivates me. It does. It's — it allows me to know that what I do is not about me and it's not even about my children's future.
It's longer lasting than that.

BECK: How many times this is, because I've done — I've sat in your chair and been asked questions similar to this and I walk out and I say the same thing to my crew. I can't tell you how many times I thought in my head be careful, watch it, careful, careful, careful. How many times just now did you think that? Because, you know there are people just laying in wait to get you to say things?

PALIN: Well, of course, in the back of my mind I know what is coming.
I know what is coming. It's going to hit you too Glenn once the show airs even that the topic was even discussed. So, you know, we just brace ourselves. But so be it. There are a lot of important things going on in this world right now. And I think that if we were to hesitate and hunker down and not say what we believe, then we're going to be part of the system that so many Americans are losing faith in. I'm not going to be a part of that.

BECK: That is where I want to go next with Sarah Palin.


BECK: Back with a full hour with Governor Sarah Palin. We were just talking about God a second ago and eternal ramifications. Somebody asked me and I don't think they were serious — why don't you run? The honest answer to that, I have joked before oh, well, you don't want me because we'd run out of missiles, because that would be the most uttered phrase ever. What do you mean we're out of missiles? But the real answer is I came this close to losing my soul once. Because I bottomed out and went down the wrong path and excuse my voice. I'm sorry, Governor. But the — I needed the atonement probably more than anybody else I know. And I got it.

And I made a promise I would never violate trust, I would keep my word, do the hard thing. I would follow just live the Ten Commandments, try that one on for size. I don't think you can go to Washington and not lose your soul. I've never met somebody who went to Washington and came back and I said, wow, you're a better person. Have you?

PALIN: Come to think of it, I don't know if I have, Glenn.

BECK: How do you — because the parties, the system is so infected, how do you, as an individual go in — I'm not asking if you're going to run. But let's just say you were going to run. How do you go in and how do I as voter know that you're not going to cut so many side deals to get that power that by the time you had that power, you're no longer who we needed?

PALIN: I think a voter first need to sincerely know and it sounds impossible, but sincerely knows who that candidate is to see what their track record and to see if they had lost their soul along the way.

BECK: We're not even talking about track record anymore. We're not talking about how did you vote? We're talking about trust. How do you restore trust and honor, how do we even know anymore?

PALIN: That is what everybody is asking. That is what those who are conscientious and concerned about America are asking and those who are so disenchanted and disgusted with Washington, D.C., I don't have that answer. I'm asking the same thing. How do we know that we can trust what is going on in the White House? The White House!

BECK: Do you know?

PALIN: I don't know. I don't know. But I don't feel that some of the things that they are doing are trustworthy.

BECK: I have to tell you that every time I bring up your name and somebody says who's out there? I answer one of two ways. I'm waiting for George Washington to appear. Then it's usually followed by your name. And I said, but I don't know. And it's not I don't know, I don't know if you're smart enough. I find this insulting. Your kids must find that extraordinarily insulting when they hear that. It's not that you're not capable or anything else. I don't know. I don't know. I can't give my trust out to anybody anymore. Every time you do, they burn you. Every time you're like oh!

PALIN: That is because we have a fallen world. And mankind is fallen and we can never put — I don't believe that we were created to be able to put our faith wholly, solely except for our spouse in another person. Certainly not in a politician. I don't believe that except, you know, looking back on our founding fathers and seeing the sincerity there and the genuine love that they had of the country, I don't think in recent days we can find too many of those politicians.

BECK: That's why we got to stop looking and start taking from the barrel and start picking from the tree. Who is your favorite founder?

PALIN: You know, well, all of them because they came collectively together with so much diverse .

BECK: Bull crap. Who is your favorite?

PALIN: So much diverse opinion and so much diversity in terms of belief, but collectively they came together to form this union.


PALIN: No, and they were led by, of course, George Washington, so he's got to rise to the top. Washington was the consummate statesman. He serves, he returned power to the people. He didn't want to be a king. He returned power to the people. Then he went back to Mount Vernon, he went back to his farm. He was almost reluctant to serve as president, too. And that is who you need to find to serve in government, in a bureaucracy.
Those who you know will serve for the right reasons because they're reluctant to get out there and seek a limelight and seek power. They're doing it for people. That was George Washington.

BECK: He is my favorite for that reason as well. He was the indispensable man. That's why I say I'm waiting for George Washington to appear. Someone who doesn't want to serve but will because he must. And someone who is so beyond question that he can bring people together and say look we have to do this. This can be hard.

PALIN: That's exactly what we need to seek in a candidate. Someone -
- I'll repeat this — almost reluctant to serve. Someone who will not prostitute themselves and say what they believe a voter wants to hear at that time in order to get elected but someone who the people find and ask, will you sacrifice, will you do this for our country to get us back on the right track?

BECK: That is why I think you're on the most admired list. Because some people find you to be that. As you came out of the blue, and you did serve. You were asked to serve. And you got butchered and you continually get butchered. And yet, you're still going.

PALIN: Well, let me tell you one thing in that vain. I would be perfectly happy to go back to Wasilla, Alaska, with my five children and grandson and raise a happy, healthy family and love the great outdoors and do the things we do in Alaska. But if I believe that in some capacity I can help this great nation, I'm going to be willing to sacrifice and to change some things and my lifestyle in order to, in order to serve. It doesn't have to mean, though, top dog. That doesn't have to really entail having any kind of title.

BECK: OK. Back in a second. Sarah and I would like to make an offer to NBC. Next.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you sure you don't want to speak to Fox News? Who knows, maybe they can be fair and balanced.

BARACK OBAMA'S IMPERSONATOR: Really? Let's check in with Glenn Beck.

GLENN BECK'S IMPERSONATOR: And if I write down the name Obama, we could rearrange the letters and spell aroma. And I don't like what I'm smelling. Most of you are saying hey, Glenn, those letters don't actually rearrange to spell that. Well, to you I say, in Russia they do!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Physically, what would you do?

TINA FEY: We're going to promote freedom, usher in democratic values and ideals and fight terror-loving terrorists.


BECK: We're just talking as those clips were playing.

PALIN: They're good.

BECK: They are. They are very funny. Very funny. We were just talking about. We both graduated the same year and we're both just, you know, slubs out of no place and just like all of a sudden here we are, we find ourselves in this amazing place. It is so weird to see yourself on "Saturday Night," isn't it?

PALIN: It is weird.

BECK: It's just bizarre. Sarah and I would like to make an offer to NBC. Would you like to make the offer?

PALIN: I think that we should co-host. How could they say no?

BECK: They will.

PALIN: I bet they won't.

BECK: Want to make a bet?

PALIN: I bet they won't. I don't know what the stakes will be here in this bet but, no I bet ...

BECK: A steak sounds good.

PALIN: A steak?

BECK: Steak sounds good.

PALIN: My favorite. That would be great. I can envision episode after episode of things that I can mock of myself.

BECK: They think they can make fun of us? I can make fun of me better, yes.

PALIN: They have no idea some of the things. Yes.

BECK: So, yes.


BECK: So we'll, NBC, there you go. It will be a very highly rated show I'm guessing. We'll make fun of us and give you guys the time off, where you don't have to make fun of us and we'll co-host the show.

PALIN: That would be a delight. I would do it. And if they're daring you enough, they will say, yes.


PALIN: We'll hand it over.

BECK: No, they're busy right now, I think firing everybody on at night. I think that's what they're busy now.

PALIN: What a mess.

BECK: Do you ever, do you ever watch those things, and are you hurt by it?

PALIN: I'm not hurt by it. Because I appreciate — she who imitates me has been Tina Fey. I appreciate her talent. I think, she is really good and funny.

BECK: Because I thought about this on the way here to the interview.
I thought I think you should do a Tina Fey impersonation.

PALIN: Oh, I would love to do that.

BECK: I mean, I don't know what that would be like exactly. But she, I mean, that really did — that's where your image comes from, don't you think?

PALIN: Well, the only scary thing about all that is that people did start mixing that parody with those things that I actually have said in interviews and some of the reality started kind of atrophy to whatever she was saying, so that was the scary thing that some people weren't intelligent enough to know what the difference was.

BECK: That was you and me that weren't intelligent than us, that we figured it out. There are people dumber than us? Who could those people be?

PALIN: We need to do this though because, yes, it could go on and on about the things I could mock myself about and I'm sure you would say the same about yourself.

BECK: There is — I've been making fun of me for years. I'm a professional at it. Back at NBC, call us! Just call the switchboard at fox. Because the red phone is usually tied up. Call me! Back in a second.


BECK: Back in the final minutes with Sarah Palin. Just over my shoulder, you see the Statue of Liberty, but just off just a little bit, you'll see Ellis Island. This year, I'm doing a series of conventions faith, hope and charity. Faith, God is important. Hope comes from telling people the truth. And charity is allowing them to be free.


BECK: That was a center of freedom for so many people. Address immigration, illegal immigration here real quick. You have about two minutes.

PALIN: Let me address legal immigration and we need to continue to be so welcoming and inviting of those who are represented there by our Statue of Liberty. The immigrants, of course, built this country. And I think republicans, conservatives are at fault when we allow the other side to capture this immigration issue and try to turn this issue into something negative for republicans. I think we need to recognize that again, immigrants built this great country. There are rules to follow if you want to be a part of this great country. Let's make sure people are following the rules. But let's welcome this.

BECK: Do you agree with me make the door wider and make it easier to bring people in, you know, Bill Gates said, I have a hard time keeping people here because it's so complex. Make, just streamline it and make it easier for people to come in the right way.

PALIN: Every part of bureaucracy needs to be streamlined, absolutely.
And people do need to come in the right way. They cannot take advantage of what this country has to offer. The opportunities, the help that is here, they need to do this legally.

BECK: Are you a Republican?

PALIN: I'm a registered Republican.

BECK: How do you feel about that?

PALIN: There are times that I am tempted to bail from the party.
There have been times that in my political career and just be an independent, but I recognize we are a two-party system. The Republican Party, the planks in our platform are the best, strongest planks upon which to build a great state, Alaska, a great country. I'm going to stay a Republican, but there are those temptations.

BECK: Is there a role for third party for you? I mean, I'm not saying you run, I'm just saying, would you support a third party?

PALIN: If that — I don't think that there is that need for a third party. If republicans will get back to what the plank.

BECK: That is a giant if. That's a giant if. You're right. If they get back to what they're supposed to do.

PALIN: What they are supposed to do? Now, if the individual candidates campaigns and then elected officials aren't going to do what they promised to do standing on the planks in the platform, you have to fire them. You have to get rid of them.

BECK: OK. America, we'll see you next on "Saturday Night Live" I'm sure. Great to meet you.

PALIN: Thank you so much. You, too.

BECK: From New York, good night, America.

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