A Mother's Challenge: A 9/12 Report

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," September 28, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Let me introduce you, America, to some of these crazy gun-toting radicals who refuse to sit by and let it happen. They are concerned moms. That's all they are. Moms saying, "What's happening to my country? What's happening to our schools? How do we survive this?"

Also, Frank Luntz — he's the author of a brand new book, "What Americans Really Want, Really" and a FOX News contributor.

I asked Frank to come in because he has done town hall meetings or research on meetings, and people all across the country. I want him just to verify what we're hearing: Is this abnormal or is this what's happening all across the country?

Also, Dr. Keith Ablow is here. He's a psychiatrist and FOX News contributor. He's just going to hold me if it gets scary and I...



BECK: You're here for me. Thanks, Doc.

Mary Baker, mother of seven, who home-schools her youngest daughter Crystal is also here today. You're out of your mind. But not as crazy as Barbara Curtis, she's the mom of 12.

And I read about — I read your profile today, she also said that I like to blog and write books. I'd like to sleep.

Stephani Scruggs, she's a 9/12 Project Florida volunteer coordinator. Angel Robinson, she is a coordinator for the Campaign for Liberty.

OK. Ladies, where do we start? We asked you, tell us what is on your mind. I feel like — I feel like Richard Dawson "And the survey says!" You're top three answers are up on the board, the things that concern you. It was amazing how consistent you were.

History lessons are not being taught to our children — that's pretty much the theme of the first one. It was basically that our kids — they don't even know what America is anymore. They don't even know the history.

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Mary, you want to comment and start there?

MARY BAKER, HOME-SCHOOL MOM: What I would like to say about that is, we need to know our history. I wrote the article "Why I Am No Longer an African-American" because it seems like in this time in our nation, we should be together. We should be Americans.

But it seems like we're being so torn apart. And — and one of the things we need to teach our children, because it was a long time ago, 40 years ago, it was, we needed to see the time that our children could walk hand in hand and, you know, not have to be separate and unequal. And now, in this time, where we've given the golden opportunity, it's happening again.

BECK: So, who is tearing us apart? Because they'll say that it's — on the floor of the Senate, they actually said my name, in a debate. And they said that all this is being caused by me and people like me. I'm like, they know who I am?


BECK: And they hate me. I feel so good inside!


BECK: So, who's — who is it that's tearing us apart? Who is it that's tearing us apart? Is it the media? Is it people like me? Is it the tea party people?

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: It's the government. It's the government.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: It's the media, for sure.

STEPHANI SCRUGGS, 9/12 PROJECT FLORIDA VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR: The only people I have heard doing the name-calling are Nancy Pelosi, the pundits on CNN, the pundits on ABC, NBC. I quit watching regular news on the night of the election when they called me a racist because I happen to live in the South and didn't vote for Barack Obama. So, I must be a racist. I don't watch them anymore.

BECK: Well, the president says though that he doesn't believe that. He's — the president.

SCRUGGS: But he's the president.

BECK: Barbara, I'd like your reaction. You just kind of...

BARBARA CURTIS, MOTHER: You know better.

BECK: Why do you say that?

CURTIS: For one thing, he has his thugs out there, you know? But he's OK to call us all these types of things, to shut us up and shut us down. But we are here today to say we're not shutting up. We're not going to sit down. We're going to stand up! And we're going to fight.


UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: If we don't show our kids what the government is doing to us now, they won't have a future, you know? Our kids are our future, as the song goes, and our forefathers fought and died for us for freedom — for us. Now, it's our turn to do the same for our children, so they can grow up into a better world than what it is now for us.


BECK: Let me just take — let me just take a quick — let me just take a hand poll. Raise your hand if you agree with this statement, that the Democrats and the Republicans and the independents that you know in real life, the people that are your neighbors, those people are different than the people who we have elected and sent to Washington.


BECK: OK. Bonnie says, no, kind of, a little bit, why not?

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: It depends on where you live? I live in a liberal, ultraliberal community, and I see the anger every day.




BECK: All right.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: I feel completely alone in the town that I live.

BECK: You live in the New York area?

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: I live in New Jersey. I live in Englewood, New Jersey.


BECK: My condolences on that. Sorry for that.

But no, I mean, I think, see, that's the thing that the media misses. There are pockets. There are pockets where liberals can move. In Texas, and they'd be like, hu, hu, hu — you know? So, there are those pockets. But generally speaking, the people that are our neighbors are different than the people that we send out to Washington.


BECK: Now, how do we connect with our neighbors — and, Frank, this might be a good one for you — how do we — and also you, Keith — how do we connect to our neighbors or has that already — is that beginning to happen in the country now?

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: It has already happened.

FRANK LUNTZ, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Barbara made a point about the future of young people. We asked the question: are you better off than your parents were when they were your age? And I would ask you all that question — people behind me. How many of you were better off than your parents were when they were your age? If you feel better off, raise your hands. Most hands go up.

Now, let me ask you because you're all moms. How many of you believe that your children will be better off than you when they get to be your age? Raise your hands.


BECK: Let me ask the question this way — how many of you, because your moms and your — have you all been to a tea party or a 9/12 thing? Yes?


BECK: How many of you — how many of you feel that spiritually, or in a completed way, not money, are better off than — are better off than our parents were?


BECK: Do you notice that? Do you see what I'm saying? There is a difference here and I think that's part of the split is that, this society, and both sides have done this — our government and everything else, has done this, global corporations, et cetera, et cetera — you're not complete if you don't have a certain product. I know that's what the "history of stuff" teaches, but it's not capitalism that has failed.


BECK: It is us that has failed. They say in this "history of stuff" that we are — that 50 years ago, people felt happier and they say that it's because we have more stuff. I think it's because we have less God and less.



ABLOW: And the silence was deafening when these mothers grow silent. When the question is asked by Frank, how many of you feel that things will be better for your kids — think about the tragic proportions of what just happened. They don't feel that they can overcome these forces. That's why neighborhood and community is so important, because you can't do it alone.


ABLOW: You need to do it in concert...


ABLOW: ...with other mothers and other people who believe what you do, because it's so lonely to try to turn back the tide of these mammoth forces alone. It's very difficult. It takes a village, doesn't it?



BECK: How many people — how many people thought before — let's say six months ago — that this was a winnable fight? That your voice would be heard? How many think that this is a winnable fight today?




LUNTZ: We started polling, and I started this process back in December of 2008. Nobody was going to participate. Nobody was going to show up. A lot of this is because of you. Those guys in Washington, they know you, Glenn.


LUNTZ: And you scare them. And what we found now is that the average town hall meeting that would have gotten 150 people, 1,200 people, people like this, show up. For the first time, people in this room feel empowered. They feel energized.

I warn you of one thing, if you get the language wrong, if you get the tone wrong, you have a chance right now to make such a difference in the lives of this country, but you better get the words right, because the American people are watching.

BECK: Yes. OK. We're going to get to that here in just a second. But we want to continue our conversation about family, community and coming together as Americans — not party members, but Americans.



BECK: You know, everybody wants to make the tea party-goers like crazy angry white people that are just ready to, you know, burn down the entire country.

Anybody want to do that here?


BECK: That's not who — that's not who the tea partiers are and they missed that. Today, I just want to show you people that may seem an awful lot like you. These are concerned moms — Republicans, Democrats, independents — concerned moms that look at the future and say, "Gosh, I don't even — I can't imagine how this is all going to work out.

Three things, these are their top concerns. We asked them to list their concerns. These generally the top concerns. History lessons are not being taught to our children. And, you know, I want to start here. You were talking a little bit about the lack of God.


BECK: Go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: Well, it's not being taught to our children how our Founding Fathers had great belief in God and in the Creator. And this a list of the 50 states, their preamble, and every single state invoked his name, either Almighty God or Creator. They always invoked his name. And I don't think our children are being taught that our Founding Fathers really relied on the power of God.


BECK: Stephani...

SCRUGGS: I think that's right. I mean, to listen to the teachers and the educational system talk about it now, Thomas Jefferson must have been some sort of atheist. Where if you read, even the "The 5,000 Year Leap" — thank you for recommending that book.

BECK: Thanks.

SCRUGGS: When you read these things and then you go to further research and see that these people were God-fearing men, of different denominations. Some have totally different religions, but all agreed that God had to play a central role and it's because without morality that comes from a God-based life and a God-based governmental system, the entire thing would fall apart. And I think that's exactly what we're seeing in our society now.

BECK: Is there anybody — is there anybody else — yes, go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: I have to say that God is not a religion.

BECK: Yes, I know.



BECK: They put a wall between church and state. Well, that's fine, but not about God.

ABLOW: And, Glenn, this is a concern from a psychiatrist's standpoint. The way that people become individuals, and powerful as individuals, is you have to know your history.


ABLOW: Most people come to me are coming because they don't know their personal histories. And it's a very dangerous thing to deprive someone of history and spirituality.


ABLOW: Because what do those things do? They make you autonomous. They give you a sense of self and a sense of feeling confident about the future to make your own decisions.


ABLOW: Take that away from people and what do you get? You get the anxious people coming to my practice. They feel unnerved. Then they need support, right, temporarily from me, but I intend to restore them to autonomy. I'm not sure the government understands the extent to which people can made — be made dependent. It may be their intention.

BECK: Oh, I think they do.


BECK: And they're like, what, you're dependent on us? You didn't see that one coming? Great.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: This is a book that is in the schools. It's called "Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope" which portrays Obama in a God-like manner where he's going to save our children and be the bridge to their future.

BECK: Does anybody have a problem with that? Does anybody think that the media.


BECK: OK, come on. There's got to be some dissent here. No? Is there anybody here that doesn't think that the president and the state — with a capital S — is becoming God-like — is being imaged as.


BECK: Right?

CURTIS: I think, for years, there has been a tendency to instill in our children that they should look to the government for solutions to their problems. Now, it's being focused on one man. I think that a lot of us are feeling very worried about that.

What you said about the autonomy issue, that's what I'm seeing, is that parents are feeling that our children are not being respected as individuals and allowed to grow in their own autonomous way. They can't have their religion. They can't have their spirituality, and they're trained to be consumers. And now, now with the globalism trend, and we're supposed to sign treaties with the U.N. to take away parental rights, I think we're all feeling like we want our children back.

BAKER: And the "Story of Stuff" that you — the video, one of the things the lady said, she said something happened in the 1950s where everything went down. She doesn't realize that's when they started taking God.

BECK: Yes.

BAKER: I really think that America is a God-inspired idea.

BECK: Yes.


BAKER: And if you take him out, we can't have America without God.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: (INAUDIBLE) for all of us who live around here, and I believe it was 50 years ago that Nikita Khrushchev made an address not, unlike our president made and said that we don't even have to take you militarily. We're going to do it through your children. We will take away God. We will make them communists — 50 years ago.

BECK: How many people here, because Bill O'Reilly has talked to me about this several times and he said, "Glenn, you're worried about communism. You're worried about all of this stuff, and I don't see this as a threat because communism has been discredited," et cetera, et cetera.



UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: For people who don't know history and who don't understand what communism is, and when we go to socialism, socialism is communism light. People don't know that. You wouldn't believe how many high schools children as well as young college kids don't know what socialism is.

I have somebody say to me and I found it absolutely frightening, "Oh, I'm OK with socialism. I'm all right." That's because they don't understand it, they've never lived under it and they don't know the history.

ABLOW: That's right. They don't — Glenn, I think they don't understand it. And also, the message goes out to adults and children that there's a lot to apologize for about America.

BECK: Hang on. Let me take this for a second. The president gets heat for apologizing for the country. You know what? Maybe I'm going to be the most unpopular man in the room here, but we have made mistakes as a nation.


BECK: Absolutely, OK. So nobody has a problem with that.


BECK: What is the problem, then, with apologizing for our country? What is the problem then with him saying it? Yes?

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: He apologizes to dictators.

BECK: Pardon me?

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: To dictators. He apologizes all the time, bows to kings and it's just so in your face. You can see through it. You always tell us to look at the big picture.

BECK: Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: Most of the women in this room see the picture, Glenn. We see it.

BECK: Yes. I will tell you. I'll tell you, the reason why.
UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: He apologizes but he doesn't say the good things.


UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: He's got to have a balance.

UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: This country needs to stop apologizing for freedom, because without freedom, we don't have anything.


UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: And that's why we're screaming mad.

BECK: Do we have freedom now? Do we have real freedom now?


UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: We have a relative freedom.

BECK: They're crazy!



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