Row 2, Seat 4
  • WH Briefing: Live Blogging - President Obama at the briefing

    Eve Zibel | Producer

    President Obama has made an appearance in the briefing room!

    * The President talked to the press about the meeting he had with Democratic and Republican leaders. He said it went well and joked the two sides were outside making snow angels on the lawn.

    * Obama went on to say he is going to work with both parties and seek the best ideas on the challenges ahead.

    * Obama said in the meeting the two sides discussed the jobs package which is set to come up next on the hill.

    * Obama is going to create a fiscal commission by executive order after losing support in the Senate.

    * And the President spoke about nominations getting held up in the Senate, and his opposition to the "delay and obstruct" tactics.

    * The President said if the Senate does not act to confirm the nominees in limbo he will make recess appointments.

    And then the President took some questions:

    Major Garrett asked the President about the comments from John Boehner about scratching the entire health care legislation as it stands:

    * Obama said he told Boehner exactly what he is telling everyone else and that unless there's a handle on health care, the US cannot deal with long term debt.

    * He also said health insurance abuses have to end and so do high costs.

    * And the President said that both John Boehner and Mitch McConnell agree that we "can't continue with business as usual"

    * The President said the way to protect consumers in the financial markets is to create legislation so that there are no banks "too big to fail".

    * And he said, the sooner the business community thinks Washington "has its act together" the better off the country will be.

    * President Obama was also asked about energy. He said he believes there should be a bi-partisan agreement on energy.

    * He said the country who leads the air in "clean energy" is going to win the race in the 21st century global economy. But he said there's no way to convert to an all-solar or all-wind technology overnight!

    * Obama said on Iran and sanctions: the process is moving along quickly. He said "we have bent over backwards" to tell Iran we're willing to have a constructive conversation for the country to re-enter as full members of the international community.

    * He said the offer to provide conversion of uranium is a clear sign of willingness to help the nation and they rejected it.

  • Boehner to White House: "Why Are We Going to Talk About a Bill That Can't Pass?"

    Major Garrett | Senior White House Correspondent

    Top congressional Republicans, emerging from a 90-minute meeting with President Obama that side-stepped health care reform, said they may boycott Feb. 25 talks on health care reform.

    "It's going to be very difficult to have bipartisan conversations with regard to a 2,700 page health care bill that the Democrat majority in the House and the Democrat majority in the Senate can’t pass," House Minority Leader John Boehner said. "Why are we going to talk about a bill that can’t pass? It really is time to scrap the bill and start over."

    For now, Boehner said House Republicans are only willing to "consider" attending the bi-partisan health care talks at the Blair House, the stately quarters across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

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  • Watch Live: White House Briefing

    Eve Zibel | Producer

    Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is set to hold his daily briefing at 1:30pm.

    The White House did not have a briefing yesterday because of the bad weather in Washington, but tune in today!

    Watch it LIVE now!
  • Obamas: "Let's Move"

    Dominique Pastre | Contributor

    President Obama today created a task force to combat childhood obesity, as his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama launched a nationwide campaign aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles for adolescents.

    The presidential task force will include the secretaries of health, education, agriculture and the interior.  The department heads will be working in conjunction with the First Lady's office to create healthy initiatives for children.  They'll report back to the President within 90 days on the progress of federal youth diet and exercise programs.

    First Lady Michelle Obama plants a kitchen garden with students at the White House. April 9, 2009/White House Photo

    First Lady Michelle Obama plants a kitchen garden with students at the White House. April 9, 2009/White House Photo

    Mrs. Obama has made childhood nutrition and fitness a priority since she entered the White House last year, planting a vegetable garden on the White House grounds with elementary school students in April and hosting exercise-promoting events like the Healthy Kids Fair in October where she famously showed off her hula hooping skills.

    Today's initiative, dubbed "Let's Move", will establish a partnership between federal agencies and the business, entertainment, and medical communities to promote healthy habits for children both at home and in school. It will also identify urban areas where access to nutritious food is limited, using funds from the President's 2011 budget proposal to bring grocery stores and farmers markets to underprivileged communities.

    First Lady Michelle Obama hula hoops with children during the Healthy Kids Fair at the White House. Oct. 21, 2009/White House Photo

    First Lady Michelle Obama hula hoops with children during the Healthy Kids Fair at the White House. Oct. 21, 2009/White House Photo

    The First Lady encouraged families to make small changes in their daily routines to make room for healthy habits, but assured kids that there will always be room for treats. "There is a place in this life for burgers and ice cream, cookies and fries," she said.  But she added that balance is key, and parents and children should get into the habit of walking to school or replacing sugary drinks with milk and water.  

    The White House will create a website for families to reference for healthy tips, and government agencies will work with schools to improve the lunches they serve. The First Lady also announced a new foundation to coordinate efforts between businesses and non-profits, and state and local governments.  The Partnership for a Healthier America will work with Mrs. Obama's office to rally support and measure progress along the way.

  • What's on the President's Schedule?

    Brian Haefeli | 

  • WH Photo: Dog Bo Enjoys the Snow

    Anne Marie Riha | White House Producer
    First Dog, Bo, plays in the Rose Garden Monday.  White House Photo.

    First Dog, Bo, plays in the Rose Garden Monday. White House Photo.

    The First Family's dog, Bo, enjoyed the effects of "snowmageddon" with a romp in the snow covered Rose Garden.  The federal government and local area schools continue to be closed as the Washington, D.C. area braces for more snow.

  • White House Day Ahead...

    Anne Marie Riha | White House Producer

    Even though the federal government is shutdown for a secon day, the President has a full schedule.  In the morning, Mr. Obama will sign a memorandum on childhood obesity in the Oval Office as part of the First Lady’s nationwide campaign to combat childhood obesity. The First Lady will attend the signing. There will be a pool spray of the signing.

    Later, the President and the Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. This meeting is closed.

    The President and the Vice President will then meet with bipartisan leaders of the House and Senate to discuss working together on the economy and jobs. There will be a pool spray at the top of the meeting. Expected attendees include:

    Senator Harry Reid

    Senator Mitch McConnell

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    Representative Steny Hoyer

    Representative John Boehner

    In the afternoon, the President will have lunch with the Vice President in the Private Dining Room. The lunch is closed.

    Later, the President will receive the Economic Daily Briefing and meet with senior advisors. These meetings are closed.

    Robert Gibbs is also expected to brief 1:30pm.

  • White House, House GOP Clash Over Feb. 25 Health Care Talks, Premiums Vs. Process First Skirmish

    Major Garrett | Senior White House Correspondent

    The Obama administration argued premiums Monday while House Republicans argued process as both sides girded for what looks like three weeks of posturing before televised bi-partisan health care talks commence Feb. 25.

    On the premium front, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, following on President Obama's criticism Sunday, sent a letter to California's Anthem Blue Cross complaining about 30 percent to 39 percent increase in premiums for customers with non-group coverage.

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  • President's Statement on Rep. John Murtha's Passing

    Dominique Pastre | Contributor

    President Obama just released the following statement on the passing of Congressman John Murtha. The Pennsylvania Democrat died today at the age of 77 after complications with gallbladder surgery.


    Michelle and I were deeply saddened today to hear about the passing of Congressman John Murtha.  Jack was a devoted husband, a loving father and a steadfast advocate for the people of Pennsylvania for nearly 40 years. His passion for service was born during his decorated career in the United States Marine Corps, and he went on to earn the distinction of being the first Vietnam War combat veteran elected to Congress.  Jack’s tough-as-nails reputation carried over to Congress, where he became a respected voice on issues of national security.  Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife of nearly 55 years, Joyce, their three children, and the entire Murtha family.


  • The Big Dig...Fox News Shovels out its Live Shot position...

    Bryan Cole | 

    Washington DC got hit with an historic snowfall over the weekend.  Take a look and see how the Fox News White House team shoveled its way out to set up their Live Shot position.  It took 5 of us 40 minutes to move over 2 feet of snow in and around our equipment.

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