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Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting the World Economic Forum's website and reviewing our privacy policy. The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you of what kinds of information we may gather about you when you visit our website and how we may use that information. This Privacy Statement discloses the privacy practices for http://www.weforum.org, www.weforum.org, and https://members.weforum.org.

Automatic Data Collection
Collection and Release of Gathered Information
Electronic Mail

Should you have any questions or concerns about the World Economic Forum's privacy statement and use of personal information, please feel free to contact us by e-mail at contact@weforum.org.

Automatic Data Collection

Like most Web servers on the Internet, our servers collect and store all of the information that your web browser sends when it requests a web page, including:

  • the name, domain, and numerical internet address of the "host" computer (typically a computer belonging to your Internet Service Provider and not your personal computer) from which you access the Internet. For example, your host computer's name and its numerical address
  • the date and time you accessed our site
  • the Internet address of the web page that you came from
  • the page you requested from our site and the number of characters sent to your computer
  • the information your web browser software sends as its so-called "User Agent," which typically identifies the browser software and may also indicate the operating system and type of CPU used in your personal computer
The World Economic Forum periodically summarizes and analyzes these log files to learn how visitors use content on the site. This information is used to allocate resources effectively and to improve the content, organization and performance of our site. This process does not collect, store or use personally-identifying information such as name, address, telephone number or e-mail address.

Collection and Release of Gathered Information

It is the policy of the World Economic Forum to collect only that personally-identifying information (such as name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number) that visitors to the World Economic Forum's website knowingly and voluntarily provide by completing one of the forms on the website. If you do provide personally-identifying information through one of our forms, that information may be shared with our finance and logistics partners and providers, who are contractually permitted to use such information solely in connection with organizing and conducting World Economic Forum activities. Should you register for one of the World Economic Forum activites, your contact information will be displayed to other participants of that activity for networking purposes, within the private Members Area. You may view and edit that information through your personal page within the Members Area.

The World Economic Forum is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We will not sell, share or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. The World Economic Forum does not collect, save or store such personally-identifying information from our visitors who just browse through our website without completing and e-mailing any forms, and does not attempt to identify users or share user information with any parties outside of the World Economic Forum, except as described above, in the event of a suspected attempt to deliberately circumvent our system's security with the intent to gain unauthorized access to or to do physical damage (for example, an attack by hackers), and as required in the course of officially authorized law enforcement investigations.


When users submit sensitive information via the Website (such as credit card numbers or social security numbers), that information is encrypted and is protected with SSL encryption software.

Electronic Mail

When you send us personal identifying information via e-mail (that is, in a message containing a question or comment, or by filling out a form that e-mails us this information), we use it to respond to your requests. We may forward your e-mail to other employees of the World Economic Forum who are better able to answer your questions. We do not retain or distribute lists of e-mail addresses to any parties outside of the World Economic Forum. In no event, do we distribute lists of e-mail addresses to any outside parties. Information collected via e-mail will be retained at our discretion in a directly readable form as long as necessary to complete our response.


A cookie is simply a small piece of information that a web server asks your browser to store on your local computer, and then later your browser presents this information to the web server. In its simplest form, a cookie is just an identifying number.

The World Economic Forum uses cookies for anonymous visitor tracking. The World Economic Forum web server assigns each visitor a unique numerical ID. All requests for pages are tagged with that ID, and by analyzing log files, we can determine how many unique visitors used the site.

We do not know the identity of a person based on the numerical ID. The cookies used on our website do not contain any personal information about visitors, nor are they used to look up personal information about visitors. Even if you have entered information about yourself in one of our registration forms, we do not relate that information to the cookie data.

By using this site, you signify your agreement with the World Economic Forum's privacy policy. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this policy at any time. Your continued use of this website following changes to these terms means you accept those changes.

Links to Other Websites

Our Website contains links to other websites that are not operated or maintained by the World Economic Forum and are not covered by this Privacy Statement. Visitors should be aware that the links on this Website are provided only for your convenience. The World Economic Forum has no control over, makes no promises or warranties of any kind with regard to, and has no responsibility or liability for, the content of any other websites or their privacy policies, their use of cookies, or the way they collect, save, store or use information. You should review the privacy policy of each website you visit.

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