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Centre for Global Growth Companies
Faith Communities
Foundation Leaders
Global Agenda Councils
Global University Leaders Forum
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International Business Council
International Media Council
Labour Leaders
Non-Governmental Organizations
Social Entrepreneurs
Technology Pioneers
Thought Leaders
Women Leaders and Gender Parity
Young Global Leaders


A key part of the Forum’s activities is the creation of distinctive communities of member and partner companies, creating smaller, more informal opportunities for interaction. Forum communities include the Young Global Leaders and the Technology Pioneers which are active year-round as well as other communities which mainly contribute to our Annual Meeting.

These communities:
  • provide timely information and scientific judgement;
  • expand and strengthen the representation of society at large in Forum activities to improve interaction between business, government and other sectors of society;
  • share their views as active participants in regional meetings and summits and the Annual Meeting as well as task forces and initiatives;
  • discuss ways of building a genuine culture of dialogue, searching out common values to bridge divides among communities;
  • enhance the quality of the Forum's activities.

  Point of View
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
"Our task in reforming...must start with each of us examining that which needs reforming within ourselves."

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Imam of Masjid al-Farah and Founder of the ASMA Society, USA
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