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Global Leadership Fellows

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Global Leadership Fellows

Developing tomorrow’s leaders
The Global Leadership Programme is dedicated to developing the next generation of world leaders; well-rounded professionals who feel equally at home in the public and private sectors. As the world becomes increasingly more interconnected, the once well-defined line between these two sectors continues to blur, making it difficult for any one organization to act effectively in isolation. To succeed in such an environment, organizations – both private and public – must often align numerous stakeholders so as to most efficiently approach problems, develop strategies and capitalize on opportunities.

Combining knowledge and practice
The three-year Master’s programme in global leadership uniquely couples leadership training with in-depth knowledge of industry, civil society, and global and regional governments. In this unique curriculum, the Fellows are provided not only with knowledge and training but, more importantly, with the practical experience obtained through joining forces with diverse world leaders and topical experts to facilitate common solutions to many of the world’s most pressing issues. Fresh thinking, exposure to current global, regional and industry issues, and practical leadership skills learned directly from those running today’s most influential organizations combine to set the Global Leadership Fellows Programme apart.

Leaders learning from leaders
Beyond the takeaways from frequent interactions with world leaders, the Fellows – leaders in their own right – have seemingly endless opportunities to learn from one another. All Fellows enter the programme having already completed a master’s and/or doctorate level education from many of the world’s top academic institutions. Professionally, they come to the Forum from a variety of backgrounds in government, civil society and business. These high-calibre individuals bring their experiences together within a highly interactive and experiential learning environment, which is further enriched by the learnings taken from the curriculum and work assignments while at the Forum. This hands-on cooperation takes place within a one-of-a-kind international organization, leading to unique synergies that are not readily available in any other academic or corporate leadership programme.

Ongoing coaching and mentoring
Throughout the three-year programme, Fellows are embedded in an environment of active coaching and mentorship. Every Fellow joins a small coaching team of approximately five people who work collaboratively to help each other reach personal and professional development goals. In the third and final year of the programme, Fellows are assigned an executive coach and a mentor from the Forum’s Community of Young Global Leaders to provide them with guidance on their career development and project work.

For more information - download the brochure (PDF)


 Related links                

 Fellows Brochure (PDF)

Global Leadership Fellows - Creating Future Global Leaders 2009

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