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Agriculture and Food Security
Climate Change
Corporate Global Citizenship
Disaster Resource Network
Energy Poverty Action
Financing for Development
Global Competitiveness
Global Education Initiative
Global Health Initiative
Global Redesign Initiative
Global Risk Network
Humanitarian Relief Initiative
International Monetary Convention Project
Partnering Against Corruption
Scenario Planning
Working Towards Wellness

What is the role of business in advancing economic development and social progress?

The Business Solutions for Sustainable Food Production works to harness business expertise  to generate sustainable, market-based solutions to address hunger and poverty.

As part of the World Economic Forum’s Environment Team, the Climate Change Initiative supports several activities, led by the Gleneagles Dialogue on Climate Change.

The Forum believes that Corporate Global Citizenship is fundamentally in the enlightened self-interest of global corporations since their growth is dependent on the state of the global social landscape.

The Disaster Resource Network (DRN) is an initiative of the World Economic Forum designed to provide the humanitarian sector access to resources from the Engineering and Construction sector.

The Energy Poverty Action (EPA) initiative is a private sector initiative created by several CEOs of leading energy companies during the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2005 in Davos.

Further to the Monterrey Consensus, the Financing for Development Initiative in organized a series of multistakeholder expert consultations.

Through its reports the Global Competitiveness Network of the World Economic Forum identifies impediments to growth and thereby helps stimulate the development of relevant strategies.

The Global Education Initiative has made significant progress in its overall objective to raise awareness and support the implementation of relevant national education sector plans on a global level.

The Global Governance Initiative monitors the efforts of governments, the private sector, international organizations and civil society towards achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

The Global Health Initiative (GHI) was launched by Kofi Annan at the Annual Meeting 2002 in Davos. The GHI’s mission is to engage businesses in public-private partnerships to tackle HIV/AIDS and Health Systems.

The Global Risk Network seeks to identify and assess key current and emerging risks to global business and the world economy that are systemic in nature.

The Humanitarian Relief Initiative develops public-private partnerships (PPPs) that match the core competencies of the private sector with the priority needs of the global humanitarian community.

The World Economic Forum and the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, in co-operation with selected finance ministries and are organizing a two year series of Public-Private Roundtables.

The World Economic Forum works closely with leading technology companies, governments and experts to catalyse public private partnerships to reduce the Digital Divide.

In an effort to combat global corruption, the World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) was formally launched by CEOs in January 2004.

The Forum develops Scenarios as part of its commitment to improving the state of the world. The decisions we make today create tomorrow.

Increasing Water scarcity in many parts of the world is escalating the complex political and social dynamics generated when tackling water challenges.


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