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Partnering Against Corruption

Key Achievements
Highlighting Achievers Survey
The PACI Governance Structure
The PACI Three Stage Process

Partnering Against Corruption Initiative

In an effort to combat global corruption, the World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) was formally launched by CEOs from the Engineering & Construction, Energy and Metals and Mining industries in January 2004.  PACI is business driven global initiative with commitment from the top.

(Panel L to R) Mark Pieth, OECD; Wayne Murdy, Newmont Mining Corporation; Alan Boeckmann, Fluor Corporation; Hassan Marican, PETRONAS; Jermyn Brooks, Transparency International

The PACI's mission is to develop multi-industry principles and practices that will result in a competitive level playing field, based on integrity, fairness and ethical conduct. The PACI places the private sector in a unique position to guide governments' and international organizations' strategies and policies on anti-corruption and has built strong relationships with the key players and institutions from the global anti-corruption landscape. 

The PACI Principles for Countering Bribery, create a common language on corruption and bribery valid for all industries firmly believing that corruption can not be countered without leadership and commitment from the top.  The PACI is based on CEO commitment to zero-tolerance towards bribery and commitment to implement a practical and effective anti-corruption program within the company - or for companies that already have a program in place to benchmark the existing program against the PACI Principles.

PACI is a multistakeholder initiative which works with a number of organizations including:

PACI is also partnering with the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania and the Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility/the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption.

PACI today is truly multi-sectoral (with signatories beyond the three originating sectors) and fully inclusive, meaning that all companies are invited to join PACI regardless of their size, country of origin or affiliation with the World Economic Forum.

Video interviews

Annual Meeting 2007
Speaking on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2007 in Davos, PACI Board Member Wayne W. Murdy explains why companies should join the anti-corruption initiative and what makes PACI unique.
Watch the video

PACI Board Member Jermyn Brooks
Discusses the anti-corruption initiative on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2007 in Davos.
Watch the video

World Anti-Corruption Day 2006
Speaking on the occasion of World Anti-Corruption Day, PACI board member Professor Mark Pieth talks about the initiative, its goals and achievements.
Watch the video

Private sector's role in fighting corruption
Alan Boeckmann, Chairman and CEO, Fluor Corporation, comments on PACI, his company's involvement in the initiative and how the private sector can play a role in the fight against corruption. Watch the videoTranscript (PDF)

PACI Board

How to get involved

For more information please contact paci@weforum.org     

Key proposals to step up the fight against corruption
9 December 2009

Leading experts brought together by the World Economic Forum share proposals in a new report on International Anti-Corruption Day.
Video appeal - "Every day is Anti-Corruption Day"

Press release

PACI's 2009 Highlighting Achievers Survey
9 December 2009

The 2009 results of the Highlighting Achievers Survey are now available. The survey provides valuable insights into the measures that companies leading the global fight against corruption are taking.

Invitation: Workshop on Collective Action Against Corruption
9 - 11 May 2009

The World Bank Institute in cooperation with other partners invites you to participate in a workshop on collective action against corruption at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C., June 9-11, 2009.

New Tool Helps Companies RESIST Corruption
12 May 2009

The World Economic Forum Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), in collaboration with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Transparency International (TI) and the United Nations Global Compact (GC), has launched a new practical tool to support companies conducting international business who are potentially exposed to corruption.

CEOs call for greater adherence to UN anti-corruption convention
7 May 2009

In an unprecedented move, chief executives from some of the world’s leading companies have called on governments to more effectively and robustly implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption. In a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the CEOs threw their support behind the world’s only universal anti-corruption instrument, stating that it “holds the promise of curbing corruption and creates a level playing field for all participants in the global economy”.
 Press release I Read the Letter
 Read the UN Secretary General's response

PACI’s 2008 Highlighting Achievers Survey
9 December 2008

The survey provides valuable insights into the measures that companies leading the global fight against corruption are taking
 Press Release

The Business Case Against Corruption (pdf)
27 June 2008

A ‘first-of-its-kind’ anti-corruption document, entitled “Clean Business Is Good Business – The Business Case Against Corruption” has been released by the World Economic Forum, The International Chamber of Commerce, Transparency International and the United Nations Global Compact.


CEO appeal on You Tube

CEOs of leading global companies appeal to the general public to share their ideas on how best to fight corruption.
We can and must stop this corrupt behaviour … You can help too!”

CEO appeal on You Tube

 Watch the interviews
 Press Release


UNODC "your No counts"
As part of its 'Corruption - Your NO Counts' campaign, UNODC has produced a video spot to illustrate that people are not simply at the mercy of corruption and often have the power to say NO.

UNODC "your No counts"

 Watch the video


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