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Yield: 3.74%
1 EUR = $1.4504
3:09:09 PM ET 01/14/2010 © BigCharts

Obama: 'We want our money back'2:55pm: President wants Congress to levy fees on banks to make taxpayers whole for bailout losses. Tax would raise $90 billion and big institutions would pay bulk.  More

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Obama calls for bailout tax
President wants Congress to levy fees on banks to make taxpayers whole for bailout losses. Tax would raise an estimated $90 billion and big institutions would pay bulk. more
Should the federal government impose special fees on banks in order to recoup some of the bailout funds?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

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30 yr fixed mtg5.23%
15 yr fixed mtg4.69%
30 yr fixed jumbo mtg6.02%
5/1 ARM4.47%
5/1 jumbo ARM4.91%

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