See all Show me
10. Viney
8 days ago
9. Opening
4 months ago
8. MTV 0x001
5 months ago
7. Sounds of Stuttgart
6 months ago
6. vart: Circle Vs. Square
9 months ago
5. Maya 0x01
11 months ago
4. fball
1 year ago
3. Bloody vimeo
1 year ago
2. Playing with paint
1 year ago
1. Vumfze
1 year ago
New year, back to work.



  • Jason Burton 8 days ago
    The master. Is the impact sound being generated?
  • vart plus 7 days ago
    Hi Jason, I was thinking in that for two seconds, but I used my SL MkII finally, a midi controller.
  • Jason Burton 7 days ago
    Really nice. I had a couple more questions if you don't mind. I looks like you are using SPH and attracting particles within a certain distance to a mesh or volume. And a level set for the ground surface. You have mentioned that you wrote your own fluid solver. What is the advantage of writing your own? Do you see a speed increase with the way you optimize the code, or is it to have the ability to set your own parameters?
  • vart plus 6 days ago
    Good eye Jason. Nothing special making your solver, it's only a cool homework to get hands dirty with HDK. But on the other hand, you can make fast changes in your source to change the solver behavior.
  • Jason Burton 6 days ago
    Thanks for the info. Look forward to seeing more.
  • sandee 7 days ago
  • vart plus 6 days ago
    Thanks sandee
  • Mr S!cK 6 days ago
    Very nice. The way particles are moving and the level of detail is really awesome. I wish I could understand the way it's done :)
  • Ayz Waraich 4 days ago
    vimeo needs to adopt this video and make it official.

    so cool.
  • Blake Whitman staff 2 days ago
    DUDE. This is AWESOME!
  • Amazing! Wow!
  • Slurp slurp love it!
  • Leon Gaban 2 days ago
    Hey, very cool! What software was used in the animation?
  • vart plus 19 hours ago
    Thx Leon, a bit more information here:
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 days ago
    This is the best Christmas gift I got this year.
  • Paul Treacy 1 day ago
  • Joseph Schmitt staff 1 day ago
  • WOW! Amazing!
  • mark harrop 1 day ago
    That is just great!
  • good stuff man, very well done
  • vart plus 19 hours ago
    Thanks guys, thanks to all ... it's really appreciate it.

    ... Specials thanks to Vimeo Staff to make this site better and better.
  • Corrado Matteoni 10 hours ago
    Great work! Awesome!
  • sazoda 10 hours ago
    so cool
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