Written with Jeff Rosenberg

    If you want people to respect you for your beer pong skills, the World Series of Beer Pong is your only option. It's the most prestigious beer pong competition in the world. People fly in from all over the country to compete in the three day event in Las Vegas. We were offered the chance to compete this year. We promptly said no, we didn't want to go to Las Vegas, play pong and drink beer. Just kidding. We packed our bags and hopped on a plane. Vegas baby!

    Smashing Time competes against Since Sliced Bread for the championship.
    The tournament is divided into two rounds. Every team is guaranteed 12 games in the preliminary round, six Saturday, six Sunday. The top 128 teams then move onto the playoffs, which are a bracket-style double elimination tournament. During the finals, random teams get to play in the "featured arena," surrounded by bleachers and under the surveillance of a legit camera crew. It's just like a real professional sporting event.

    We arrived ready to drink at 11 am for our first match. The pressure was on. We needed to start with a win or our resolve and determination would be lost like a swatted bounce (note: you're NOT allowed to swat bounces, BUT they only count as one cup anyway, BUT... still).

    The preliminary rounds are laid back and friendly. Add the DJ blasting hip hop at full volume, and you're basically in a frat house basement. The only difference is that you're surrounded by elegant carpeting and chandeliers instead of concrete and the smell of pee. The room would be more fit for a fancy ball.

    Our opponents showed up just in time to avoid disqualification. The game began. Back and forth, back and forth, make, miss, swish, etc. Balls were literally flying everywhere. Trash talk and psych outs were being shot left and right until it came to the last cup. Back and forth, back and forth, miss, miss, miss, miss. Why is it so hard to hit the last cup?

    As a crowd gathered, the pressure grew. Miraculously, we hit the last cup. The crowd went silent as our opponents geared up for their rebuttal. He shoots. He misses! We win. Game over! We're 1-0 baby, our only winning record for the entire 12 game series.

    Of course, Beer Pong is a game of gentlemen, so special thanks to our round one opponents for making that first win possible: Team We're Not Dead Yet, comprised of a guy and his wife. Oh, and they were probably in their fifties. GO COLLEGEHUMOR!
    cute college girl
    SchoolOregon State University
    Snuggling, spooning or butterfly kisses?
    Snuggling/spooning. I like spooning if I am falling asleep, but if I'm still awake I'll snuggle so I can see their face. Butterfly kisses are dumb and make me wanna gag. Oh, and by "their" I mean a boyfriend...
    Mac or PC?
    I would kill for a Mac right meow. I told my mom that would be a nice graduation present. She laughed in my face.
    There's a lot of ways to mess up on the Internet. Those who do should be punished. Roll over to see how.



    Do your parents not understand technology? Do they ask you stupid questions? Do they send you absurd text messages? Do they use words like "MyFace,""SpaceBook,"or "The World Wide Web?" 

    If you've got an example of your Parents Just Don't Understanding, submit it here! 

    And thank God we'll never be as dumb as they are!

    I did tech support for a computer company, and a lady called up who thought she could fold up a piece of paper, scan it, email it, and the recipient could unfold it on the other side, so it would stay private during sending. 

    Mark Baland, University of Life

    My mom just got a droid because she thought it would automatically make her tech savvy and cool. She tries to text but doesn't understand how the auto-complete/correct feature works so 90% of her texts make no sense (ex. "...get I claim her you don't have to whatever"). I tried to explain to her that she doesn't have to send a text if it doesn't say what she wants and that there is a backspace button. She replied "I have 9 am dr. apt , I go sick after walki ing in snow and ice night the car slid down hill into culvert."
    Kyle W, LSU

    Recently I bought a new white MacBook on behalf of my parents. I used it this morning to check my mail only to find an 8 digit number written in blue felt tip on the bottom right hand corner of the screen casing. It looked like my Dad's writing, so I questioned him. It was his online banking password. "Who's going to know what it is?" was his defense.
    Conor Harding, UCC

    Today my mom asked me "What's two-twoing?" and then showed me a text message on her phone. It was a two part text message. She thought the 2/2 was a slang word.
    Jessica Cordeiro

    McGwire: "Steroids gave me the strength to apologize"

    "We all have our weaknesses," said McGwire. "Mine was weakness. So I took steroids. I guess you could say I didn't have a choice other than to give into my weakness. So steroids saved me. And also destroyed me. But definitely saved me. You could say it's a wash, I guess."

    See More
    Textbooks opened
    Height of beerpong table
    Number of dirtbikes the McGraw-Hill kids are getting for Christmas
    Likelihood bookstore is a front
    Amount of money you'll get back at the end of the semester for selling them back
    Textbooks hollowed out to hide drugs in
    Love of learning
    How much that spiral seashell on the cover trips you out
  • Clash the Snapperbowl dot Clown
    Submit by January 31st 2010
    Clash the Snapperbowl dot Clown

    There are 45 zillion submissions and they are gonna narrow it down to 6 and you get to decide which of those...which of those 6 commercial gets to air on the football channel on the superbowl day....

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