ShrinkTheWeb is the most powerful, FREE website thumbnail provider
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Website Thumbnail Wizard

Who Needs Website Screenshots?

Website previews (PagePix) are taking the web by storm.

Many of today's most influential, leading-edge companies are enjoying our fully automated website thumbnail service.
Try us out today for free... upgrade only as needed

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Website Screenshot PRO Features

Take Advantage of PRO Features!

Our Basic site thumbnail service is 100% free to use! However, we also offer PRO features such as:

"Inside Pages", "Full-Length", "Custom Size", & more

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In-House Website Thumbnail Generator

Do-It-Yourself Website Thumbnails?

Learn the PROS & CONS of building it in-house...

~ Use STW to display dynamically or cache locally!

~ Avoid startup costs (coding, testing, debugging)

~ Lower support & hardware costs (staff, servers, etc)

Learn More | Avoid the Headaches; We're Affordable!

Generate a Screenshot (Signup for Bulk)

Default Sizes (6): 75x56 90x68 100x75 120x90 200x150 320x200

Queued This Month Captured Thumbnails TOTAL Delivered
2,168,045 31,608,622 559,868,013
We were looking at 6 different paid providers for our search engine. After around a month with shrinktheweb we have now found our provider and best of all it's free. My stats -> Fetched 35494.
Amazing in a little over a month with all my requests everything has went smoothly without a hiccup. I thought I was pushing this free servi......

I have used services like this before and specialist websites sometimes take a long time to queue and process. STW had thumbs displaying on my site within an hour!

Great to find a progressive, efficient and reliable site thumbnailer at long last. Had 10 months almost continuous service thus far, keep up the good work.

Hello Brandon,
First of all, congratulations for your service. And your communication! (You really managed to grab my attention and make me follow your "adventure", newsletter after newsletter.)

Cool site your running.

Greetings From Norway

The best thumbnail generator so far!

Thanks again for the great service you provide. I tried two other products before discovering yours, and will never go back. Your thumbnails have turned my dreary-looking directory into one of interest!


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