
Friday, March 5, 2010
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  • Signs of uncertainty in temp numbers

    Job seekers and employers at a career fair

    The Labor Department jobs report says 36,000 jobs were lost in February and the number of temporary workers has shot up for the fifth straight month. That usually means permanent hiring isn't far behind. Usually. Mitchell Hartman reports. More»

In the mind of a broker

When you sit down with a broker or a financial adviser, it helps to understand their motivations. How are they being compensated? Are they incentivized to really look out for your best interests or just sell you whatever they can? It’s an issue being debated with the financial regulatory reform in Congress.

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IRS Oddities

I’m happy to report that I’ve filed my taxes, and overall, it was a pretty uncomplicated year. Of course, I didn’t donate any deer carcasses to charity or play against the New Orleans Saints in Louisiana or travel to outer space or do anything of the other wonderful things you can get a tax credit (or charge) for. Let’s take a look.

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Front page hijack

Take a look at the photo below. What do you think you’re seeing?

la times.jpg

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Morning Reading

Happy Friday. The latest jobs report says the unemployment rate was unchanged last month at 9.7%. Another 36,000 jobs lost. More:

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Citi's bridge over troubled waters

Speaking of Too Big To Fail, there were some sparks at a congressional hearing today on that very subject. Plus, a thank you note from the CEO of Citigroup.

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Too Big To Fail: The Movie

HBO has been weighing several options for creating a film about the financial crisis. It appears HBO has settled on turning Andrew Ross Sorkin’s book “Too Big To Fail” into a feature.

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Whiteboard subprimeWatch the video

The Federal Housing Administration is being criticized for underwriting subprime loans, which critics say could lead to another wave of loan failures. Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains subprime lending and its inherent risks. Watch the video.

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The rise of debt in America, and how living beyond our means helped bring down the economy. The role of credit in the financial crisis and where we go from here. Get more.

The Big Shift »

The recession has changed our financial lives. A look at wealth and prosperity in the middle class and how we live now. Get more.

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Chris Farrell

Q: Modifying mortgage

A friend of mine who's husband just left her and she owns a home with a mortgage of $189,000 and a second for $100,000. She cannot afford to make the payments alone.... She asked me for help and I want to help her but don't know what to tell her. Renee, Los Angeles, CA Read Chris Farrell's answer »

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