[Rozmiar: 8490 bajtów]

                     Advanced Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Laboratory

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Our laboratory is located at the Department of Molecular Biology and Immunology of the UNTHSC. It is a research-oriented laboratory; however, we offer sample analysis, data processing and interpretation by laboratory personnel for researchers in the UNTHSC and also to external academic institutions and industry. Prior arrangement with the Director of the Laboratory is required.

We have two LC-MS systems and a GC-MS. Software resources include the proteomics software Bioworks, Sequest, Mascot, Scaffold, DeNovoX, etc., Metabolite ID, and many more.

Routine mass spectrometry and proteomic services include: MS,  LC-MS,  high resolution MS, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS, MSn) protein identification by proteolytic digest, nano LC-MS/MS  and database search, molecular weight determination. Please contact lprokai@hsc.unt.edu  to discuss custom work such as complex proteomic analysis.

Instrumentation Available:

        [Rozmiar: 9407 bajtów] qIT (Quadrupole ion trap, ESI/APCI, LC/MS, MSn

Available methods of ionization are electrospray (both regular and nanoflow) and atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI). High-performance liquid chromatographs are connected to the LCQ, which permits simultaneous acquisition of mass spectral data and photodiode array  data.

         [Rozmiar: 70014 bajtów]

Linear ion-trap / FT-ICR  hybrid instrument for LC/LC/MS, high-resolution MS and MSn, coupled with a  NanoLC-2D (Eksigent) system that uses Microfluidic Flow Control to generate precise gradients for liquid chromatography (LC) at nanoscale flow rate and enables two-dimensional (2D) LC.  This  increases mass spectrometer  sensitivity and improves identification of low-abundance proteins. A regular-flow HPLC system (Surveyor) is also available. The system provides ultra-high resolution and sensitivity coupled with sub ppm mass accuracy. Available methods of ionization are electrospray (both regular and nanoflow), atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI), atmospheric-pressure photoionization (APPI) and direct analysis in real time (DART). A chip-based infusion system (Triversa NanoMate) has also been installed for advanced/high throughput electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and combined on-line/off-line LC-MS.  

         [Rozmiar: 28725 bajtów] PolarisQ (Quadrupole ion trap, GC/MS, EI/CI, MS/MS).This system can be used for separation of complex mixtures by gas chromatograpy and identification by mass spectrometry. Available methods of ionization: electron ionization (EI) and chemical ionization (CI).

Contact information:
Department of Molecular Biology and Immunology
University of North Texas Health Science Center  

3500 Camp Bowie Blvd
Ft. Worth, TX 76107
Tel: 817.735.0619,   817.735.0629,   Fax: 817.735.2118
E-mail: lprokai@hsc.unt.edu       Webpage:http://www.hsc.unt.edu/prokai/ 

                                                                             This page was last updated October 29, 2009                                              

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