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Department of Pharmacology & Neuroscience

Welcome to our dynamic and growing program in Pharmacology & Neuroscience.


The Department of Pharmacology & Neuroscience is dedicated to quality biomedical research and graduate education. Research Assistantships are provided for all doctoral students. The Graduate Biomedical Science Program at the University of North Texas Health Science Center is a recipient of the residential Award for Science Mentoring from the National Science Foundation.


Funded Research Areas (over $7 million in 2007 and $8 million in 2008) include:

  Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Neurobiology of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
  Drug Discovery Neuronal Degeneration and Protection
  Glaucoma and Ocular Pharmacology Pharmacogenetics
  Learning and Memory Receptors and Ion Channels

The department is in the nation's top 5 percent for research grant dollars per faculty member, and in the top 20 percent for total research grant dollars of all research centers.

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3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76107, (817)735-2000.