Tk20 Campus Tools

What is Tk20?

Login to TK20

Note: Login with your UNT EUID and password 

For questions regarding this system, please contact the system administrator:

Phone:  940 369-5157

Tk20 Support Desk

Phone:  940 369-8411

Tim Sutton - Tk20 Administrator

Phone:  940 369-5157

Relevant Links:


UNT's College of Education uses Tk20 CampusTools™ as a comprehensive online data management system for all student activities in programs leading to certification for teachers or other school personnel. Students enrolled in certification programs are required to subscribe to Tk20 to complete course assignments and to facilitate evaluations for courses, field experiences, and student teaching or internship/practicum.

The system enables students to participate and manage their academic activities throughout their college experience. This system allows students to:

  • Create and submit key assignments online.
  • Conduct online evaluations involving instructors, field mentors/supervisors, and students.
  • Create electronic portfolios documenting course work.
  • Keep records of field experience work and experience with student teaching/clinical practice (field assignments, field experience, student teaching, clinical practice and internships).
  • Submit forms online, including applications for student teaching and other field experiences for certification.


To learn more, read the Frequently Asked Questions about Tk20.



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