Standard 1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Dispositions

Untitled Document

Elements Exhibits
1a. Content knowledge for teacher candidates

State Program Review Documents
State Licensure Test Scores
Title II
Summaries of Candidate Key Assessments
Key Assessments & Scoring Guides
Key Assessments & Scoring Guides
Key Assessments & Scoring Guides on Taskstream
Samples of Candidate Work on Taskstream

Graduate Follow-Up Studies:
- Alumni Survey
- Exit Survey

Employer Feedback on Graduates

1b. Pedagogical content knowledge and skills for teacher candidates Methods Courses
Content Knowledge
Key Assessments
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates
1c. Professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills for teacher candidates Pass Rates : FTCE Professional Education Test (PED) Initial Teacher Preparation Programs, BS-MAT
Professional Knowledge
Other Key Assessments: Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills, BS- MAT and Advanced
1d. Student learning for teacher candidates Key Assessment for Student Learning of Initial and Advanced  Teacher Candidates:

Student Teaching Outcomes
Key Assessments Student Learning BS-MAT
Key Assessments Student Learning Advanced
1e. Knowledge and skills for other schools professionals Pass Rates for Other School Personnel
1f. Student learning for other school professionals National Accreditation Associations: CACREP
Critical Tasks for the Clinical Experiences for Other School Personnel
1g. Professional dispositions for all candidates Candidate Dispositions

Disposition Assessments:
- Student Teaching
- Exit Survey
- Alumni Survey
- Cooperating Teacher Survey
- Supervisor Survey
- Candidate Survey

Summary of Candidate Performance on Assessments
Professional Dispositions for all Candidates