Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions

Human Service Management and Leadership – see Undergraduate Catalog

Rehabilitation, RHAB

5060. Systems of Care and Wraparound: Essential Framework and Process. 3 hours. Systems of care and wraparound services are based upon core values and principles that infuse all aspects of service planning and delivery. Course provides students with practical applications and best practices models on how to design, build and implement local systems of care and wraparound services that are family-driven, community-based, and culturally competent. Practical experience in working through an integrated, seamless delivery system, requiring collaborative partnerships in a variety of community settings are explored.

5125. Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counseling Models. 3 hours. Models of alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) counseling provides students with a broad overview of intervention and counseling strategies utilized by rehabilitation programs serving persons with substance abuse disorders. Focuses on service delivery systems and AODA counseling theory.

5150. Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counseling Practice. 3 hours. Practice of alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) counseling focuses on familiarizing students with the core competencies necessary for effective interventions within addiction treatment settings. Prepares students to apply these skills in AODA counseling practice. Builds directly on RHAB 5125, AODA Counseling Models, and students may take these courses as partial preparation for the AODA counselor licensure examinations.

5160. Families in Systems of Care: Defining Effective Parent-Professional Relationships. 3 hours. Provides students with practical applications and best practice models on how to build positive family-professional partnerships in the field of human services, including legal aspects and analysis of available resources necessary to address the complex needs of at-risk families. Emphasis placed on identified family-based principles associated with successful systems of care/wraparound programs targeting families who have children or family members with special needs. Prerequisite(s): RHAB 5060.

5250. Topics in Rehabilitation. 1–3 hours. In-depth analysis and discussion of significant topics in rehabilitation. Topics may include but are not limited to the following: behavior change techniques in rehabilitation; individual and group counseling in rehabilitation; computing the value of rehabilitation services; legal, ethical and professional aspects of serving people with disabilities. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5260. Cultural Competency in Systems of Care: Enhancing Helper Effectiveness with Ethnic Minorities. 3 hours. Cultural competence as a mental/behavioral health service delivery approach can be applied to systems that serve all persons. Provides students with practical understanding and applications on how to become culturally competent in the field of human services. Emphasis placed on how to collaborate effectively with ethnic minority families through systems of care/wraparound service programs in a variety of community settings. Prerequisite(s): RHAB 5060.

5410. Seminar in Techniques and Advanced Practices in Rehabilitation Counseling. 3 hours. For students who are qualified to develop professional competence in special areas of rehabilitation counseling. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5420. Vocational Evaluation Systems. 3 hours. Introduction to the use of commercial vocational evaluation systems. Design, construction and standardization of locally produced work sample devices. Prerequisite(s): or consent of instructor.

5430. Use and Interpretation of Vocational Evaluation Data. 3 hours. Data collection through systematic observation. Techniques, principles and processes of data interpretation. Report writing in vocational evaluation, communicating evaluation data to the rehabilitation counselor and the rehabilitation client. Prerequisite(s): RHAB 5420 or consent of instructor.

5450. Alcohol, Drugs and Disability. 3 hours. Exploration of the challenges presented by persons with disabilities who experience coexisting alcohol and other drug abuse disorders. Identification of strategies for effectively serving this population within rehabilitation settings.

5500. Management and Supervision in Rehabilitation. 3 hours. Basic principles and practices of management and supervisory concepts as applied to the operation of a rehabilitation facility or agency.

5700. Introduction to Rehabilitation. 3 hours. Introduction to human rehabilitation with emphasis on vocational rehabilitation. Study includes the philosophical legislative and organizational foundations. Reviews rehabilitation practice, professional issues and a broad overview of the context in which rehabilitation occurs.

5710. Rehabilitation in a Multicultural Society. 3 hours. Exploration of ethnic and cultural factors influencing the planning and delivery of rehabilitation and related services. Includes examination of disability within various racial and ethnic groups along with ways to work with diverse populations.

5715. Disability Issues in Human Development. 3 hours. Covers the effects of disability, chronic illness and addiction on the process of human growth and personality development across the lifespan. Focuses on rehabilitation counseling issues related to physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, sexual and moral/spiritual development in persons with disabilities and their families.

5720. Rehabilitation Counseling Theories. 3 hours. Includes the study of major counseling theories and modalities with focus on principles and approaches relevant to rehabilitation counseling and supervision. Covers applications required in counseling people with physical, cognitive or emotional disabilities.

5721. Rehabilitation Counseling Applications. 3 hours. Includes the study and application of the counseling process, strategies and techniques used by rehabilitation counselors. Students develop generic counseling skills applicable to work across a spectrum of rehabilitation counseling settings.

5723. Group Work and the Rehabilitation Process. 3 hours. Study of group work and theory within rehabilitation practice. Includes group/family dynamics as well as leadership style, team work and skill development with specific application to rehabilitation settings.

5730. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability I. 3 hours. First half of the physical and psychosocial aspects of medical conditions frequently encountered by the rehabilitation counseling professional. Focus is upon application of medical information and models of the process of psychosocial adjustment to disability in the rehabilitation counseling process. Covers sensory, neurological, developmental, substance use and psychiatric disorders, including an orientation to the DSM-IV.

5731. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability II. 3 hours. Second half of a two-part survey (see RHAB 5730) of the physical and psychosocial aspects of medical conditions frequently encountered by the rehabilitation counseling professional. Covers cardiovascular, respiratory, renal/urinary, endocrine, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal/connective, dermatologic and blood/immune systems, as well as applications of assistive technology related to these conditions.

5740. Rehabilitation Assessment. 3 hours. Orientation to the process and practice of assessing adults with disabling conditions for rehabilitation plan development and decisionmaking. Test selection, administration and interpretation and reporting, through synthesis, integration and evaluation of assessment data as covered along with the use of the DSM IV, Ecological and Assistive Technology assessment.

5741. Employment and Career Development. 3 hours. Involves the investigation and study of theories and other practices associated with successful job placement activities. Includes transferable skills analysis, labor market analysis, job seeking skills training, employer identification, management of a job development campaign, as well as supported employment strategies. Technology related to these areas is explored.

5742. Case Management and Rehabilitation Services. 3 hours. Covers the vocational rehabilitation processes and disability systems. Study of the types of information to be collected and disseminated during the initial interview; awareness of the all the “tools” utilized by the rehabilitation counselor (testing, vocational evaluation, job analysis, labor market survey, etc.); identification of obstacles which may impede plan success; and development of case management skills necessary for effective time management and resource utilization.

5770. Rehabilitation Research and Program Evaluation. 3 hours. Designed to provide an understanding of research methods used in rehabilitation programs. Rehabilitation program evaluation and basic statistics, research methods, outcome-based research and ethical/legal/cultural issues related to research are explored.

5811. Practicum in Rehabilitation. 3 hours. A minimum of 100 clock hours of supervised experiences in the student’s area of concentration, to be performed in one of the on-campus CRS vocational rehabilitation laboratories and in related community agencies. Course includes a 1-hour-per-week seminar in ethics and standards of practice in rehabilitation, as well as regularly scheduled weekly meetings for individual and group supervision. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

5812. Internship in Rehabilitation. 6 hours. A 600-hour applied experience in the student’s area of concentration in a rehabilitation agency or facility external to the university. Course includes a 1-hour-per-week seminar and group supervision meeting. Prerequisite(s): RHAB 5811 and consent of department.

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1–3 hours each. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5920. Problems in Lieu of Thesis. 3 hours.

5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

Social Work, SOWK

5100. Seminar in Social Welfare Policies and Issues. 3 hours. Selected social welfare policies and issues in the United States, their history and development, and their significance in the delivery of social welfare services.

5500. Seminar in Human Behavior and the Social Environment. 3 hours. An examination of normality and diversity in human behavior and of the various social service issues, societal values and social service programs addressing the needs and problems in human development and behavior.

5890. Seminar in Social Work, Current Issues. 3 hours. Issues and topics in contemporary social work of interest to students in various graduate programs but not covered by course offerings. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

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