About the Program

The composition program at the University of North Texas is one of the largest and most diverse in the nation, with approximately 70 composition students and seven faculty members representing a variety of compositional aesthetics and approaches. Regular guest composer residencies, visiting new music specialists, and dozens of events each year provide students with a rich educational and artistic experience.

An interdisciplinary center within UNT’s Division of Composition Studies, the Center for Experimental Music & Intermedia (CEMI) provides a unique environment for the exploration of time-based arts and is internationally renowned for its long history of innovation, particularly in the realm of electroacoustic music. Students, faculty, guests, and collaborators from a variety of disciplines engage in research, creation, and performance in CEMI’s six production studios and the Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater.

Music Now is the weekly composition departmental meeting, an open forum for the exchange of ideas and information about the creation, performance, and understanding of recent music. These forums, which are typically scheduled Mondays at 11:00-11:50 am, feature presentations by UNT faculty and students as well as visiting composers, scholars, and interpreters of new music.

Nova is the new music ensemble of the University of North Texas. In keeping with its mission to present a diversity of musical, aesthetic, and cultural experiences, Nova’s repertoire ranges from 20th century classics to works that incorporate the latest musical innovations. Students in the ensemble have opportunities to work with faculty and guest composers and are occasionally joined by faculty and guest performers. Performances and workshops have included music by composition students as well.

The Spectrum concert series features new solo and chamber works for instruments and voices by student composers; Centerpieces concerts feature works created at the Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia utilizing new technologies and intermedia.

The Composers Forum is a student organization devoted to coordinating performances and bringing new works to public attention. The organization was formed to foster the spirit of collaboration between composers, performers, and artists of all kinds throughout the UNT community.

For additional information about the composition program, including all policies and procedures, please refer to the Composition Student Handbook.

2009-10 Guest Artists

Upcoming Events

  • Nov
    Reading Session
    • UNT Symphony Orchestra readings
    • Winspear Performance Hall
    • 2:15pm
  • Nov
    Student Recital
    • Nick Kanozik Senior Composition Recital
    • Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater
    • 8:00pm
  • Nov
    Reading Session
    • UNT Symphony Orchestra readings
    • Winspear Performance Hall
    • 2:15pm
  • Nov
    Student Recital
    • Ryan Taycher Senior Composition Recital
    • 6:30pm
  • Nov
    • Spectrum — New works at North Texas (sponsored by Composers Forum)
    • Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater
    • 8:00pm
  • Nov
    Music Now
    • Nova Ensemble [tentative]
    • Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater
    • 11:00am
  • Dec
    Reading Session
    • Sophomore Composition Readings
    • Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater
    • 5:00pm
  • Dec
    Student Evaluation
    • Compositiion Juries
    • Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater
    • 12:30pm
  • Dec
    Reading Session
    • Beginning/Class Composition readings
    • Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater
    • 9:30am
  • Jan
    Student Evaluation
    • Senior Recital Hearings
    • Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater
    • 12:30pm

Recent Division News

  • Works by the following UNT composers were presented at the 2009 conference of the Society for Electroacoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) at Sweetwater Sound in Fort Wayne, Indiana (April 2009): students Jon Anderson, Nick Bober, and Stephen Lucas; faculty Andrew May and Jon Christopher Nelson; and alumni Michael Kuehn and Elainie Lillios.

  • "Reconstructing Presence: Human Geography of Brent Phelps' On the Trail of Lewis and Clark" by graduate composer and art history student Christina Rusnak was published in the January 2009 issue of Wandering Scholars, an on-line arts and literary journal in the United Kingdom (http://www.wanderingscholars.org.uk).

  • Pintar and Ratnip, two pieces for woodwind quintet by doctoral composer Greg Dixon, were performed by the UNT ensemble, Madera Winds, on their Texas-Oklahoma tour (13-15 January 2009) at Southwestern Adventist University, Tulsa Community College, Oklahoma State University, Northeastern State University, and Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

  • Works by the following UNT composers were presented at the 2009 conference of the Society for Electroacoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) at Sweetwater Sound in Fort Wayne, Indiana (April 2009): students Jon Anderson, Nick Bober, and Stephen Lucas; faculty Andrew May and Jon Christopher Nelson; and alumni Michael Kuehn and Elainie Lillios.

  • Death of a Wizard, a piece for wind ensemble by undergraduate composer Richard Daskas was performed at the 2009 NACUSA Conference at Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches, TX) by the SFA Wind Symphony on 21 February 2009. The piece will also be performed at the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) World New Music Days in Sweden in the fall of 2009.

  • Doctoral composition student Hsiao-Lan Wang's work Tale of an Unborn Child for flute and piano has been selected for performance at the 10th Feminist Theory and Music Symposium at University of North Carolina, Greensboro, in May 2009.

  • Doctoral composition student Hsiao-Lan Wang's collaborative video work Made in... with French 3D animation artist is featured on the Athena Festival at Murray State University in Kentucky on 11 March 2009.

  • String Quartet No.1 (A Vision of Delusion) by undergraduate composer Kohsuke Tajima was selected for performance in the 2009 North Texas Young Composers Project by Voices of Change at Caruth Auditorium (Southern Methodist University) on 3 May 2009.

  • Mei Votum (2008) for solo piano by doctoral composer Da Jeong Choi was performed at the Belvedere Chamber Music Festival (Memphis, TN) in June 2009.

  • Doctoral composer Joshua Harris has been awarded a prestigious Barlow Endowment Commission Award to compose a new work for the Appalachian State Wind Ensemble, scheduled for premiere in the spring of 2010.