Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice, CJUS

5000. Criminal Justice Policy. 3 hours. Methods of policy formulation, implementation and analysis in the criminal justice setting. Selected topics developed for practical research and evaluation.

5050. Criminals and Substance Abuse. 3 hours. Investigation, analysis and discussion of the relationships between substance abuse and criminal and juvenile offenders.

5100. Information Warfare, Security and Risk Analysis. 3 hours. An in-depth examination of information warfare, the management of information security and the analysis of risk within organizational contexts.

5120. Cybercrime and Digital Forensics. 3 hours. An examination of crimes using computers and the Internet as their primary medium, with practical analyses of evidence of these crimes.

5130. Information Policy, Law and Justice. 3 hours. Critical consideration of some of the public policy, legal and societal justice implications of new information technology such as the Internet.

5200. Legal Aspects of the Criminal Justice System. 3 hours. An examination of the legal process and procedures of the criminal justice system, including investigation, arrest, prosecution and sentencing.

5250. Administrative Law and Justice. 3 hours. Discussion of the legal principles and doctrines applicable to the state and federal criminal justice agencies, including information policy, ethical and liability issues.

5270. Criminal Evidence. 3 hours. Examines the problems of proof in the criminal justice process, including the admission and exclusion of evidence, the examination of witnesses, substitutes for evidence and procedural considerations. Both the theory and application of the evidentiary principles will be explored.

5350. Seminar in Contemporary Policing. 3 hours. Survey of classical and recent literature in policing. Studies of the trends, issues and reform movements currently prominent in the field of policing.

5450. Punishment, Discipline and Social Policy. 3 hours. Theoretical and practical bases of correctional goals and strategies focusing on offenders, the justice system and the public. The impact of various policies on the justice process and society is stressed.

5460. Correctional Programs. 3 hours. Examines the content and purposes of educational, religious, cultural, psychiatric and treatment programming for adult and juvenile offenders in institutions and the community. Methods of handling special needs offenders receive attention, as does the efficacy of such programs in controlling recidivism.

5470. Seminar on Juvenile Delinquency. 3 hours. Problems of definition and measurement, etiological theories, processing of delinquents, and treatment and prevention. (Same as SOCI 5470.)

5500. Seminar in Criminal Justice Administration. 3 hours. Critical application of selected analytical tools in administering justice agencies; studies of the application of human and financial resources, productivity, measurement and enhancement, and organization design, culture and change in the context of criminal justice agencies.

5600. Advanced Criminological Theory. 3 hours. An examination of the major theoretical explanations of criminality, the distribution of crime, and the behavior of justice agencies. (Same as SOCI 5600.)

5620. Seminar in Victimology. 3 hours. The role of the victim in various types of crime, predators and treatment of trauma, and the treatment of victims by criminal justice agencies. Political impact of the victims’ movement on the justice systems and the distribution of victims across demographic and behavioral groups. (Same as SOCI 5620.)

5700. Evaluation and Research Methodologies. 3 hours. Quantitative and qualitative methods of gathering and analyzing data on crime and the justice system, with special attention devoted to evaluation methods.

5750. Criminal Justice Statistics. 3 hours. Explores the theory, practice and application of statistical analysis to the field of criminology and criminal justice. The student learns how to conduct independent statistical testing, understand the applications of statistics to research methods and the use of statistics in criminal justice. Prepares the student to conduct independent statistical analysis for criminal justice agencies or research purposes and to be able to use computer programs in statistical analysis and research.

5800. Topics in Criminal Justice. 3 hours. Content varies as course covers specific issues of current interest and concern in criminal justice and criminology. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

5850. Directed Studies. 3 hours. Individual research and writing on selected topics under faculty supervision.

5900. Special Problems. 1–6 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.

5950. Master’s Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 5750. May be repeated for credit.

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