Graduate Catalog

2008-09 Academic Year

College of Education

Graduate faculty Steve Jackson writes on a blackboard during a lecture.

Main Office
Matthews Hall, Room 214
Fax: 940-565-4415

Web site:

Student Advising Office
Matthews Hall, Room 105

Mailing Address:
1155 Union Circle #311337
Denton, TX 76203-5017

Web site:

Jerry R. Thomas, Dean

Judith A. Adkison, Associate Dean

Micheal F. Sayler, Associate Dean

Mary Harris, Interim Associate Dean

Gwenn Pasco, Assistant Dean for Educator Certification and Undergraduate Programs

Qaisar Abbas, Assistant Dean for Research and Grant Development

Our Vision

The University of North Texas College of Education will be regionally and nationally recognized for excellence in preparing leaders in the human service and educational spheres of public, private and corporate institutions. We will achieve this through promoting faculty and student research, designing learner-centered instruction, developing collaborative partnerships and disseminating the results of these efforts. Faculty, staff and students will be committed to inquiry and shared discovery, best professional practices, active participation in professional and scholarly organizations, effective use of technology and the value of intellectual and human diversity.

Our Mission

The UNT College of Education mission is to develop the human capacity—cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically—in our students and, ultimately, in the society they serve. College faculty contribute to achieving the mission by expanding knowledge through research, publication and service.

The college’s state and nationally accredited programs combine outstanding students with nationally and internationally recognized faculty in a stimulating learning environment to prepare leaders in their professions. The UNT College of Education is a leading Texas college of education in acquiring external contracts and grants and preparing educators for schools, higher education, human service agencies, business and industry. The college is an international leader in a variety of program areas, and its faculty are leaders in state, national and international professional organizations.

To achieve this mission, faculty, staff and students model engaged learning in a supportive and caring environment, focused on worthwhile and appropriate knowledge and skills in their teaching, research and service. The college is flexible as it responds to a dynamic evolving world.

Specifically, the college:

The college offers 15 master’s and 12 doctoral degree majors in four academic departments. These departments are Counseling and Higher Education; Educational Psychology; Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation; and Teacher Education and Administration. This arrangement provides graduate students with opportunities for collaborative research and interdisciplinary course work.

Prospective graduate students are expected to meet all admission requirements of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies, the College of Education, and the selected graduate degree program within the college. Admission to the individual programs is done through a holistic review of the application portfolio of each candidate. Some financial support for graduate student teaching and research is available from the programs and from the College. External grants and faculty research funds are administered by the Office of Research and Academic Grants. The areas of research are described by each department.

The College of Education is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) (2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036-1023; 202-466-7496) and the State Board for Educator Certification. The program in counselor education is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) (5999 Stevenson Avenue, 4th Floor; Alexandria, VA 22304; 703-823-4800, ext. 301). The program in recreation and leisure studies is accredited by the National Recreation and Park Association/American Association of Leisure and Recreation Council on Accreditation (22377 Belmont Ridge Road, Ashburn, VA 20148; 703-858-0784).

Programs of Study

Graduate programs are described by department.

Doctor of Education

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education

Master of Science and/or Master of Education


For graduate advising and information, contact the appropriate graduate program coordinator in the program to which you aspire.

Student Advising Office

The Student Advising Office (SAO) and the TExES Advising Office (TAO) assist undergraduate students in the development of their academic plans. Advising staff partner with students to ensure a productive succession from the beginning of their College of Education experience through the successful completion of their programs, graduation and/or teacher certification. In addition to answering most questions about COE undergraduate programs and policies and procedures, the SAO and TAO staff serve graduate students in the following areas:

Graduate students needing admission to the teacher education program or other services of the SAO should make an appointment with an advisor early in their graduate career. Normally, these meetings are by appointment only, but limited walk-in advising is available during the regular registration period of the fall and spring semesters. Questions about educator certification are answered by the TAO. The SAO is located in Matthews Hall, Room 105 and the TAO in Matthews Hall, Room 103. To schedule an appointment, call 940-565-2736 or stop at the information desk in Matthews Hall, Room 105. Additionally, students can find information on the services of the SAO and the TAO at or

Degree Programs

Prerequisites for the Master’s Degree

Requirements for full graduate standing are substantially the same as those established for the university, as described in the Admission section of this catalog. Admission to a program is based on a holistic review of the application portfolio. Preregistration and registration are blocked for a second term/semester of enrollment unless formally admitted to a program.

Contact the department chair or graduate program coordinator for the portfolio components required for admission.

Master of Science

This degree prepares qualified students for further graduate work and for leadership positions in education, government, or community and human services agencies, and business and industry.

Degree Requirements

1. The candidate must earn a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate credit. A minor outside the major is required. All hours must be taken at the master’s level or higher (courses numbered 5000 or above if taken at UNT).

2. A checklist of the process for master’s students is available in the Student Advising Office, Room 105, Matthews Hall, or at

3. Each program requires the completion of a core of courses that depends upon the major field.

4. For students not writing a thesis, a comprehensive examination covering the candidate’s field of specialization is required, typically during the final term/semester in residence. The examination may be oral, written or both.

5. For detailed degree requirements, candidates should consult the appropriate graduate program coordinator and the program web site.

Master of Education

The Master of Education is designed to emphasize professional competence and to prepare leaders in certain fields of educational practice, service and inquiry. For professional and other certificates, consult “Graduate Teacher Certification Programs” in this section.

Degree Requirements

1. The candidate must earn a minimum of 36 semester hours of graduate credit. Some programs require more than 36 hours. All hours must be taken at the master’s level or higher (courses numbered 5000 or above if taken at UNT).

2. A checklist of the process for master’s students is available in the Student Advising Office, Matthews Hall, Room 105 or at

3. Each program requires the completion of a core of courses that depends upon the major field.

4. For detailed degree requirements, candidates should consult the appropriate graduate program coordinator and the program web site.

5. Ordinarily the requirements for the professional certificate can be met in the master’s degree program. When planning the program, students must designate any certificate they seek so appropriate courses are included.

Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies

College of Education faculty members are involved in the master’s degree with a major in interdisciplinary studies offered by the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. This course of study is unrelated to the undergraduate major in interdisciplinary studies leading to initial teacher certification in grades EC–6 or 4–8. For further information about the degree, consult the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies section of this catalog.

Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education

Note: Each program may have additional requirements that take precedence over the general requirements. See each program area for specific program requirements.

General Requirements

1. A minimum of 90 semester hours beyond the bachelor’s degree, or 60 hours beyond the master’s degree, is required. Course work beyond the 60-hour minimum ordinarily is required if the student changes the field of specialization when beginning doctoral study.

2. A checklist for all doctoral students is available in the Student Advising Office, Matthews Hall, Room 105 or in the Graduate Student section of

3. A maximum of 24 hours beyond the master’s degree may be transferred from other institutions; all such credit must be earned in residence at institutions that offer the doctoral degree. Transfer credit is evaluated for quality and appropriateness for the selected major. All transfer credit must be approved by the candidate’s advisory committee and by the dean of graduate studies.

4. The mere accumulation of credits does not prepare one for the doctoral degree. Emphasis is placed on the ability of the candidate to demonstrate proficiency in the major field. Leadership, overall scholastic attainment, research ability and formal examinations also are important factors in evaluating competency.

5. Candidates for doctoral degrees ordinarily are required to select a minor field. A minor is defined as graduate work completed outside the student’s major department or school; however, minors may not be required on certain graduate degrees. Consult subsequent sections of this publication for specific program regulations governing the degree sought.

6. PhD programs prepare candidates for positions in universities and for community and corporate environments. EdD programs prepare candidates for leadership positions in fields of educational practice and service. Consult the doctoral programs listed within each department for specific definitions and requirements.

Admission Requirements

1. Requirements for full graduate standing are substantially the same as those established for the university, described in the Admission section of this catalog. Admission to the individual program is done through a holistic review of the application portfolio of each candidate.

2. For degrees with an admission exam, apply for the admission examination prior to completion of 12 semester hours. All applications are available in the departmental main office and at

3. Complete other program requirements of the major area department.

4. Meet with the appropriate graduate program coordinator to request an advisory committee, subject to approval by the College of Education and the dean of graduate studies.

5. Prepare and follow a degree plan with the aid of the advisory committee, to be approved by the advisory committee and dean of graduate studies.


A minimum residency requirement consisting of two consecutive terms/semesters (fall and spring, spring and fall, or two summer sessions and one contiguous term/semester) must be completed. A minimum enrollment of 9 hours in each of the two terms/semesters or the two summer sessions is required. Residency must be completed prior to attempting the written qualifying examination.

Qualifying Examinations

1. Written qualifying examination. During the final term/semester of course work and upon completion of all the previously stated requirements, most doctoral students must pass a written qualifying examination. The examination covers the major, minor, educational research and statistics, and related fields. Students must have completed EPSY 6010 and 6020 or equivalent prior to taking the examination.

2. Oral qualifying examination. The primary purpose is to ensure an adequate evaluation of the student’s knowledge in the major and minor fields. This examination is conducted by the advisory committee.

Students who pass the qualifying examinations are eligible to continue as candidates for the doctoral degree. Less than satisfactory performance on any one or more phases of the qualifying examinations may result in modification of the degree program, repetition of one or more portions of the examinations, or termination of candidacy for the doctoral degree.

Admission to Candidacy

Admission to candidacy is granted by the dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies after satisfactory completion of all the above listed requirements.

Dissertation Proposal

Upon admission to candidacy and with approval of the advisory committee and at least 10 days after completion of the oral examination, the candidate presents the dissertation proposal to the committee. The application and procedures for scheduling the seminar are available in the Student Advising Office, Matthews Hall, Room 105 and in the Graduate Student section of

Approval of Data Collection Methods

Prior to initiating collection of any data, the candidate is required to obtain the necessary approval(s) of the appropriate university committee(s) regarding the use of human subjects and/or use of university computing services. Candidates may obtain the necessary forms to request approval from their departmental office or major professor.


Upon completion of the dissertation and with the approval of the advisory committee, a final oral comprehensive examination is arranged by the major professor, and the complete form is forwarded to the Student Advising Office.

Graduate Teacher Certification Programs

The State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) awards teaching certificates in Texas. Initial certification for educators is divided into categories of early childhood–grade 6, grades 4–8, grades 8–12, or for all grade levels. Advanced and supplemental certificates are available in some teaching, administrative or support areas. To obtain initial, advanced or supplemental educator certification, a student must complete all requirements of the certification program to which they were admitted, pass the required state tests (if any), apply for teacher certification with SBEC, and obtain approval for the application from SBEC.

Students who hold a baccalaureate degree but are not certified educators may pursue initial teacher certification alone or in conjunction with an advanced degree. No prior teaching experience is required for enrollment in the post-baccalaureate initial teacher certification options at UNT. Students seeking initial teacher certification in conjunction with a master’s degree must also be admitted to the respective degree program. Some programs have other options and certifications available through use of deficiency plans, which include undergraduate and graduate courses.

Contact the post-baccalaureate advisor for more details.

Initial Certification: Elementary

Initial Certification: Secondary (6–12)

Initial Certification: Secondary (8–12)

Initial Certification: All-Level (see programs for details)

Initial Career and Technology Certificates

Advanced or Supplemental Certification

Routes to Certification for Graduate Students

Initial Certification Without an Advanced Degree


Some certification plans have additional or alternative program-specific requirements.

1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education, with an undergraduate GPA of 2.8 overall or 3.0 in the last 60 hours.

2. Admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies as a non-degree-seeking, certification-only student. Students who are not U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents must meet the “Admission Requirements for International Students” printed in the Admission section of this catalog.

3. Acceptable scores on the Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA) test (Reading = 240; Math = 230; Writing = 220) or equivalent standardized test scores acceptable to the individual certification program.

4. Admission to teacher education is generally required by the end of the first term/semester of enrollment. See specific program requirements for any differences.


1. Completion of all courses including field experience (early field experience/student teaching/practicum); see individual plans for details.

2. Passing scores on the appropriate Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) and the appropriate teaching field(s) subtest of the TExES examinations.

3. Making application and paying fees to SBEC for teacher certification.

4. Students seeking foreign language teacher certification must pass the appropriate Texas Oral Proficiency Test (TOPT).

Program-Specific Requirements

Candidates must meet the program requirements for the specific teacher certification option selected. Requirements completed as part of the undergraduate degree may be counted toward initial teacher certification, when applicable, but not toward a graduate degree. Students may use up to 12 graduate semester credit hours taken while in non-degree, certification-only status toward certain graduate degrees. Students must consult with a faculty program coordinator prior to enrolling in classes. Performance requirements to remain in a program may vary. See program advisor for details.

EC–6 Generalist

1. Bachelor’s degree.

2. Admission to teacher education is required before beginning EC–6 certification classes. The teacher education deadline is the same as the Graduate School Admissions deadline (generally, one to two months prior to the start of the term/semester in which students begin taking classes; see the current Academic Calendar section for specific dates by term/semester).

3. Students in this route are required to enroll in courses each long term/semester (fall and spring) until they finish, although they have the option of doing summer enrollments. Not maintaining enrollment in the long terms/semesters requires permission of the program graduate advisor. Unapproved absence from one or more long terms/semesters inactivates the student’s status and the student must reapply for program admission before taking courses again.

4. Teacher education (21–34 hours): EDEE 3320, 3380, 5850, 5860; EDRE 4450, 4870; EDSP 3210, 4350.

5. Content area (12–15 hours): EDEC 3613, 4243, 4633; DFST 3123, 4233.

6. Student teaching or practicum (6 hours): student teaching (contact the department advisor for appropriate course information) or practicum for students hired as teachers of record on Probationary Teacher’s Certificates, EDEE 5105 and 5115 (one in each of two consecutive long terms/semesters).

4–8 Generalist

Contact department for availability.

Secondary Education

1. Bachelor’s degree with at least 24 hours in the content area for which certification is desired. Twelve of these hours must be upper level. Applicants must have a 2.8 GPA or better in the content area.

2. Teaching field: No additional courses if student passes the TExES content exam for the area in which certification is sought. This test is taken in the first term/semester of course work. If the student does not pass this exam, additional course work is required.

3. Teacher education (online courses): EDSE 5002, 5004, 5005, 5470.

4. Student teaching or practicum (6 hours): student teaching EDSE 5108 and 5118 (taken concurrently) or practicum for students hired as teachers of record on Probationary Teaching Certificates, EDSE 5105 and 5115 (one in each of two consecutive long terms/semesters).

All-Level Special Education (Project IMPACT)

1. Bachelor’s degree.

2. Successfully complete a pre-admission interview with IMPACT faculty and written agreement to abide by IMPACT policies and procedures.

3. Special education (18 hours): EDSP 5240, 5510, 5710, 5730, 5740, 5750.

4. Practicum (6 hours): proof of employment on a Probationary Teaching Certificate by a school district for the period of the practicum, EDSP 5430 (taken once in fall and once in the spring of the year of employment).

Marketing Education

1. Bachelor’s degree.

2. Two years of approved marketing related work experience (utilizing skills that will be taught in a future classroom).

3. Completion of: ATTD 5110, 5120, 5140, 5430, 5630; MKTG 5000, 4600 or 4630.

4. Attend and complete the Texas Education Business and Marketing Professional Development Conference.

5. Two years of successful teaching in marketing education.

Health Science Technology Education

1. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

2. Licensure, certification or registration by a nationally recognized accrediting agency as a professional practitioner in one or more health occupations for which instruction is offered. The preparation program for licensure or certification must require at least two years of formal education.

3. Two years of approved wage-earning experience.

4. Completion of ATTD 5110, 5120, 5130, 5140, 6030 (Instructional Internship).

Advanced or Supplemental Certification Without an Advanced Degree

These certificates are available as additional content areas for those who hold a valid Teacher Certificate. Candidates must meet the following requirements prior to being recommended for the certificate.

1. Completion of all courses including field experience if one is required (student teaching/practicum/mentorship). See individual plans for details.

2. Passing scores on the appropriate TExES examination.

3. Making application and paying fees to SBEC for the advanced or supplemental certification.

Program Specific Requirements

Candidates must meet the program requirements for the specific advanced or supplemental certification option selected. Students may later use up to 12 graduate semester credit hours taken while in non-degree, certification-only status toward a graduate degree. Acceptance of the hours requires program approval. Students must consult with a faculty program coordinator prior to enrolling in classes.

Gifted and Talented (All-Level) Supplemental

1. Bachelor’s degree.

2. Current Texas teacher certificate.

3. Gifted education: EDSP 5105, 5110, 5120, 5130.

Master Reading Teacher

1. Bachelor’s degree.

2. Current Texas teacher certificate.

3. Three years of successful classroom teaching experience in an accredited school.

4. Reading: EDRE 5180, 5200, 5370.

5. Language and Literacy in Early Childhood: EDEC 5653.

School Counseling (Elementary or Secondary)

1. A master’s degree (not counseling).

2. Current Texas teacher certificate.

3. Two years of teaching experience.

4. Admission to counseling program.

5. Elementary school counseling: COUN 5470, 5480, 5660, 5680, 5690, 5700, 5710, 5720, 5721, 5740, 5760, 5770, 5790; DFST 5123; EPSY 5210; and one 3-hour elective chosen with advisor’s consent.

6. Secondary school counseling: COUN 5470, 5480, 5600, 5660, 5680, 5690, 5710, 5720, 5721, 5740, 5760, 5790; DFST 5123; EPSY 5210 and two 3-hour electives chosen with advisor’s consent.

Administration Certification

1. A master’s degree.

2. Current Texas teacher certificate.

3. Two or more years of creditable classroom teaching experience.

4. Administration (36 hours): EDAD 5300, 5330, 5390, 5400, 5500, 5600, 5610, 5620, 5630, 5650, 5680, 5700.

5. Related academic area (3 hours-choose one class): EDAD 5550 or any approved course from EDCI, EDEE, EDRE, EDSE, CECS, EPSY, EDSP, ATTD.


1. The principal or mid-management certificate.

2. Administration: EDAD 6033, 6110, 6510, 6570, 6590.

Educational Diagnostician (All-Level)

1. Current Texas special education teaching certification earned through university course work.

2. A master’s degree.

3. Special education (variable hours): All courses required for Educational Diagnostician certification with master’s degree. An audit of transcripts is conducted to determine which courses have been taken and passed already and which are needed as part of this plan.

4. Three years of appropriate teaching experience in special education by time of program completion.

Probationary Certificates

Probationary certificates for school administrators are available for the following positions: assistant principal, principal and superintendent. Each probationary certificate is for one year and may be renewed one time. Candidates must pass a required criminal background check.

Probationary Assistant Principal

1. Bachelor’s degree.

2. Current Texas teacher certificate.

3. Two years of creditable classroom teaching experience.

4. Administration: EDAD 5300, 5330, 5390, 5400.

Probationary Principal

1. Master’s degree.

2. Current Texas teacher certificate.

3. Two years of creditable classroom teaching experience.

4. Administration: EDAD 5300, 5330, 5390, 5400.

Probationary Superintendent

1. Hold a professional mid-management or principal certificate.

Certification with an Advanced Degree

Students can obtain certain initial, advanced, and supplemental educator certificates while earning an advanced degree. The department, program and certification available are listed below. The specific requirements for each degree and certification are found in their individual program sections.

Initial Certification

Educational Psychology
Teacher Education and Administration

Advanced or Supplemental Certification

Educational Psychology
Teacher Education and Administration

Teacher Certification Costs

In addition to tuition, fees and course fees established by the university, teacher certification candidates may pay one or more additional fees:

Graduate Academic Certificates

In cooperation with the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies, the College of Education offers the following graduate academic certificates for students who hold a baccalaureate degree and meet non-degree seeking graduate admission requirements. Completion of a graduate academic certificate is not the same as the State Board for Educator Certification for teacher certification. Some or all of the courses taken in the academic certificates may count toward an advanced degree; see the specific program areas for more information.

For application information, contact the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies by calling 940-565-2383 or visiting the UNT Eagle Student Services Center, Room 354, on the Denton campus. Additional information may be obtained by visiting and navigating to “Graduate Academic Certificates” or visiting

New academic certificates are added continuously. Contact the College of Education at 940-565-4325 for updates to the list of graduate academic certificates below:

Center for the Study of Educational Reform

This center’s mission is to conduct research and serve as an information clearinghouse on educational reform initiatives. Created in 1990, the center has received grants to conduct a statewide survey on education reform and to conduct research on private and public school choice programs. The center’s present research activities concentrate on investigations of educational policy and curricular and instructional innovations intended to promote academic success of traditionally marginalized student populations, particularly Spanish-speaking immigrants. This new direction will expand the center’s research focus to international collaborations with researchers in Latin America. The center also provides doctoral students with opportunities for dissertation research.

Child and Family Resource Clinic

The Child and Family Resource Clinic (CFRC) is an interdisciplinary diagnostic and remedial clinic serving children, adults and families from the North Texas area. Services offered include interdisciplinary assessment, counseling, reading instruction, speech/language therapy and parent education classes. Fees for all services are based on a sliding scale. CFRC provides clinical training opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students in counseling, reading and speech/language/hearing.

Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Analysis

The Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Analysis offers services to graduate students and faculty members in the College of Education. Services include assistance in research design, measurements and analysis of data using either the SPSS or SAS statistical packages. Assistance is also given in the interpretation of computer output and display of data in the form of tables or charts.

Graduate Admissions

(888) UNT-GRAD
(868-4723) (toll-free)

UNT Switchboard

(940) 565-2000