University of North Texas - Denton Master Plan Web Site. Click to navigate to the home page.

Project Schedule

The UNT master plan will be developed over a 10-month period, commencing in March 2004 with completion of the final report scheduled for August 2005.

The planning process include 6 major work sessions and a final presentation, which will be held on the UNT campus.  The duration of the work sessions will range from one to three days. 

The work sessions build upon feedback, comment, and direction gained during the prior sessions.

The purpose of each work session is:

WS#1 - Interviews with UNT Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students
WS#2 - Review analysis and preliminary concepts
WS#3 - Review first Round of master plan alternatives
WS#4 - Review second Round of master plan alternatives
WS#5 - Review of Draft Master Plan
WS#6 - Review of Final Draft

WS#7 - Final Presentation

Photograph of a computer mouse on a desk calendar.
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