Dean's Welcome

Greetings from the Dean,

Dear Friends:


We welcome your interest in the College of Education at the University of North Texas.  The College has a long tradition of improving the quality of education from pre-school through graduate preparation, helping people develop and learn, guiding individuals to become excellent teachers, and encouraging balanced and healthy life styles.  Our goals are to:

  • Prepare excellent teachers, leaders. and professionals for elementary and secondary schools;
  • Prepare quality professionals, scholars, teachers, and leaders for higher education, government, business and industry, and community organizations;
  • Develop and provide models of excellence for education and related agencies;
  • Provide service, outreach, and consultation for schools, school systems, agencies, and other professional groups.
Examine closely our departmental undergraduate and graduate programs (see their websites) leading to bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees as well as various certifications.  Many programs offer field-based experiences with outstanding mentors.  Our faculty and staff care about, advise, and help students.


Faculty are excellent scholars/practitioners (review their vitae on departmental pages) who develop new knowledge and then promote its practical application to human learning and behavior.  Their work contributes to a society of well-educated, successful, and healthy individuals.  

If you are seeking a way to be a positive influence in society and help people develop fuller and more meaningful lives, then a program in the College of Education is the place for you.



Jerry Thomas, Ed.D.

Dean and Professor


Dr Jerry Thomas' picture

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