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Services for Faculty


Library Instruction

Librarians welcome the opportunity to work with classes at the beginning of assignments involving library use. To request an instruction session, you may contact your liaison by clicking on the Library Liaison link and finding the liaison for your department or by calling the Library Instruction Department at (940) 565-4812 two weeks prior to the desired session. You will be matched with the librarian who can best meet your classes' needs.

Collection Development

The development of the collections of the UNT Libraries is governed by the Libraries' Collection Development Policy, which is available through departmental library representatives, the Technical Services Department, or at the Reference Desk in any of the libraries. This policy, which is periodically reviewed by the University Library Committee, attempts to address the many issues and decisions involved in developing and maintaining research-level collections. For assistance concerning collection development, please call the Technical Services Department at (940) 565-2519 or the Dean of Libraries at (940) 565-3025.

Ordering Library Materials

Members of the faculty have both the opportunity and the obligation to recommend materials for purchase to meet their needs and those of  their students and to build the collections for future scholars. Much credit for the quality of the collections must be given to concerned faculty who have kept abreast of the literature in their particular areas and have recommended materials for purchase. Funds for these purchases are apportioned annually by the University Library Committee and the Dean of Libraries. Each department of instruction receives an allotment for the purchase of materials. Faculty requests to purchase materials for the Libraries are generally made through the chair or an appointed representative of each department of instruction. Orders may be submitted in various formats: on-order request forms, annotated catalogues, publishers' flyers, or through e-mail. Requests submitted on annotated catalogues or publishers’ flyers should have the selected titles highlighted and initialed by the designated departmental liaison.  Order request forms must be signed by the designated departmental or library liaison before materials can be ordered. Order request forms are available from the Technical Services Department at (940) 565-2519 and also from the Willis Library Circulation Desk at (940) 565-2413. Library liaisons and the staff of the Technical Services Department can explain the bibliographic information needed on the order request cards to facilitate  processing, demonstrate various procedures used in acquiring materials, and provide additional help in requesting orders for special or unusual materials. For more explicit instructions about ordering, please go the How to Submit Orders for Library Materials. For assistance with these and other acquisitions matters, contact the Department at (940) 565-2519.

Friends of the UNT Libraries

Faculty, staff, and students are invited to join the Friends of the UNT Libraries. The UNT Libraries stand at the threshold of excellence in several areas and the support of the Friends is needed to make good collections outstanding. Through endowments and contributions the Friends add significantly to the research resources of the University Libraries. The Friends also support such activities as the Artist’s Book Award Competition and the Libraries’ student assistant awards.  Benefits of membership include the newsletter Books & Friends, printed keepsakes, Christmas cards, workshops, and invitations to exhibits, lectures, recitals, poetry readings, and receptions. For more information contact the Dean of Libraries at (940) 565-3025.  Information about the Friends and an application form are also accessible on the Libraries’ Web page:

UNT Library Catalog

An Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) was introduced to users of the UNT Libraries in 1986. In 1996 the Libraries acquired a new online system from Innovative Interfaces, Inc. The new  system allows Internet access to the collections. The Libraries' bibliographic database and other electronic resources are accessible from over two hundred public workstations located throughout the Libraries, from all campus computer labs, and from computers in offices and homes. The Libraries' Internet address is:  The OPAC is available from the Libraries’ Homepage and side wide by clicking on the “UNT Library Catalog” link.

Borrowing Privileges

Regular circulating books borrowed by faculty members are due at the end of the semester in which they have been checked out, although they may be recalled for library use anytime or by another patron after the initial three-week loan period. You must have your current, valid ID card with you to checkout or renew materials in person. Book loans may be renewed by bringing the books in person to a circulation desk.  You can also renew through the UNT Library Catalog. Click on the View Your Account/Renew  and follow the login directions.  If you have any questions, please call the Circulation Desk at (940)565-2413. Members of the faculty are urged, however, to keep books no longer than they are actually needed. Circulation privileges will be suspended if items are not returned or renewed by the due date.  Faculty may check out up to 5 volumes of bound periodicals for a 24-hour period.  Unbound periodicals require the approval of the appropriate collections libraries to be checked out. There is a 5 item limit and they may be borrowed for no more than two hours. Spouses of faculty members are permitted to use the Libraries according to regular library loan procedures and may obtain cards at the General Circulation Desk in the Willis Library. Questions concerning loan privileges, renewals, library cards, and access to collections should be addressed to the Head, Access and Preservation Services at (940) 565-2415, or to the General Circulation Desk of the Willis Library (940) 565-2413.

Borrowing privileges for patrons who are not faculty can be found at: {, need to be changed}

Faculty Authorization

Generally, library policy is that one person may not check out books for another person; however, teaching faculty members and others who hold administrative positions that are derived from faculty rank, such as deans and vice-presidents, may authorize others to check out items in their name. Blanket authorizations are not accepted.  Each time a book or periodical is checked out, the faculty member must provide a written authorization for the specific item to be checked out.

The preferred method of issuing a faculty authorization is to fill out the official form, but if the form is not available, a note, preferably on departmental stationery, will be accepted, so long as the note specifies the item that the assistant is authorized to check out.

Interlibrary Loan

For research purposes, members of the faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students may supplement UNT library resources by borrowing from other institutions through interlibrary loan.  Interlibrary Loan uses the ILLiad program to accomplish this process.  Information on ILLiad, how to place requests, how to monitor your account, and about ILL can be found at  Many of the articles ordered through ILL will be delivered directly to your desktop.  Rentals of audio-visual materials should be requested through the Media Library at (940)565-2484.  In all interlibrary loans, the UNT Libraries are bound by the conditions imposed by the lending institution.  Obtaining photocopies through interlibrary loan is governed by the United States Copy Right Laws (PL94-553).  Faculty requests will be subsidized to a monetary limit established prior to the beginning of each academic year.  All interlibrary loans must be arranged through the Interlibrary Loan Office or, for videos, through the Media Library.  Other loan arrangement made by individuals with institutions must remain the responsibility of the individual and may not be transferred to the ILL Office.  Questions concerning interlibrary loan should be address to that office at (940)565-2495 or through e-mail at

The Center for Research Libraries

The University of North Texas is a member of The Center for Research Libraries (CRL), thus enabling faculty and graduate students to take advantage of the large and unique research collections at CRL. Located in Chicago, CRL, with collections of over 3.5 million volumes and 1.1 million pieces of microform, serves a support function for its membership of over 140 institutions. The Center collects categories of materials that are not readily available in most research libraries; these materials may be obtained on a long-term basis. The Center has special strengths in archival materials, foreign dissertations, newspapers, foreign scientific journals, annual reports, and large  microform sets. Faculty should consider the Center's collections as an extension of the UNT collections. Access to materials at the Center is through the Handbook for the Center for Research Libraries, which is available in all academic departmental offices, the central reference desk in Willis Library, the Science and Technology Library, and the Media Library, and through the Interlibrary Loan Office in Willis Library. The Handbook and the catalog of the collections are also both accessible through the Libraries' LAN. For additional information about CRL and to request materials from the Center, please contact the Interlibrary Loan Office at (940) 565-2495. 


TEXShare is a state-wide resource sharing project that is funded by the State Legislature with project oversight placed with the Texas State Library. TEXShare currently involves all state supported educational institutions, community colleges, many private colleges, and some public libraries in Texas. Although the project touches on a number of library areas, the one most likely of interest to faculty is the TEXShare library card program. This program enables faculty, enrolled students, and staff of participating institutions to use the libraries of all participating institutions. To receive your state-wide library card, please contact the Circulation Department ( in the Willis Library.

Reserve Materials

Requests for reserves – paper and electronic – should be made at the appropriate circulation/reserve desk as indicated:

  • Willis Library Reserve/Current Periodicals Reading Room, located on 1st floor of Willis Library, houses reserve items for courses in the humanities or social sciences.
  • The Music Library Service Desk and the Audio Center, both located on 4th floor of Willis Library, houses reserve items for music courses.
  • The Science and Technology Library Circulation Desk houses reserve items for courses in science, technology or library and information sciences.
  • The Library Collection Area, Research Park room M130, houses reserve items for courses in engineering, computer science, materials science, and engineering technology.
  • The UNT Dallas Center Circulation Desk houses video reserve items for courses taught at the Dallas Center.  Other reserve material should be in electronic form.

Regardless of the course being taught, all Media Library items on reserve (except those at the Dallas Center) are located at the service desk of the Media Library.

Electronic Reserves are accessed through the UNT Library Catalog.

On-Line Reserve Request forms are available:

In order to have the materials on Reserve in a timely manner, it is necessary for the Libraries to have these requests a minimum of two weeks prior to their initial use.

Photocopying Library Materials

The Libraries supply coin- and card-operated photocopying equipment on the lower level and first, third, and fourth floors of  the Willis Library, and on the first floor of the Science and Technology Library. All users of photocopy equipment are cautioned that indiscriminate photocopying of printed materials may bring them into conflict with federal copyright laws (PL94-553). The Libraries take no responsibility for copyright infringements that may occur on photocopy machines located in the libraries. The charge for coin-operated copying is 10 cents per page.  Photocopying done for faculty and charged to a departmental or grant account is available in Willis at a higher rate. For information on this service, please call (940) 565-2693.


Email Alerting Services

Email Alerting Service is a new web page that introduces you to the alerting services offered by many of the electronic resources available through the UNT Libraries. Email alerting is a service that notifies you when new content in the resource matches your saved search, table of contents or citation criteria. The web page describes the alerting services for 29 databases and journal packages and provides hyperlinks to registration pages for the services. This page is recommended for science, humanities and social sciences faculty,

Journal Acceptance Rates

Locating acceptance rates for individual journals or for specific disciplines can be difficult, yet is necessary information for promotion and tenure activities. Journals with lower article acceptance rates are frequently considered to be more prestigious and more “meritorious”.  UNT Libraries has created a Webpage that helps faculty to find the acceptance rates of journals by an alphabetical listing of disciplines at

last modified Monday, October 05, 2009. 01:23 PM

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