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Transatlantic Focus
A U.S. Public Affairs Newsletter

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Holbrooke Addresses European Concerns on Afghanistan, Pakistan Ambassador Holbrooke Briefs NATO After Afghanistan, Pakistan Visit
Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan (SRAP), briefed NATO Ambassadors in Brussels just hours after leaving Afghanistan. His visit provided NATO delegations an up-to-date look at the situation on the ground.

New Secretary General Signals Priorities by Visiting Afghanistan During His First Week
Nato's new Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen,  formally took up his duties on August 1.

NATO logoNew Strategic Concept for NATO
In his first public address, Secretary General Rasmussen outlined his plans for the drafting of a new Strategic Concept, the document that lays the foundation for Alliance unity and purpose.

SAC’s Heavy Airlift Wing is activated as Hungarian Defense Minister Szekeres, NATO and other officials look on Credit: Jennifer Davis, USNATOTen Countries Share the Heavy Load with New Strategic Airlift Capability
In order to ensure that all countries from the NATO Alliance and our partners have the necessary strategic airlift to effectively support NATO operations from Kosovo to Afghanistan, ten NATO nations and two partners formed the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) Initiative to purchase three Boeing C-17 transport aircraft.

Four of the 375 cadets that graduated from Ar Rustamiyah Military Academy last year Credit: NATONATO Training Mission-Iraq Celebrates 5th Anniversary
The NATO Training Mission-Iraq (NTM-I), a mission which assists Iraq in creating its own armed forces, celebrated its fifth anniversary on August 5.

Headquarters HQ SACT, the only NATO strategic command located in North America, celebrated Belgium National Day 21 July with a flag raising Credit: NATONew Supreme Allied Commander Transformation Named
French General Stéphane Abrial will replace U.S. General James N. Mattis as Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) on September 9 at a change of command ceremony at Headquarters Supreme Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, Viriginia, United States.

Transatlantic Security
News & Events

9/20/09 Hillary Rodham Clinton: “The new system offers a real missile defence”

9/19/09 Secretary Robert M. Gates: “A Better Missile Defense for a Safer Europe”

9/17/09 Remarks by the President on Strengthening Missile Defense in Europe

 9/17/09 Fact Sheet U.S. Missile Defense Policy A Phased, Adaptive Approach for Missile Defense in Europe

 9/9/09 The Obama Administration’s Policy on South Asia, Assistant Secretary Robert O. Blake, Jr.

9/9/09 Change of Command at Allied Command Transformation

9/9/09 Secretary Gates Interview with Al Jazeera at the Pentagon

9/4/09 Obama Is Evaluating New Afghanistan Assessment

9/3/09 NATO in Afghanistan: A New Approach to Operations, Ambassador Daalder Speech at the Netherlands Atlantic Commission, The Hague

9/3/09 DoD News Briefing with Secretary Gates and Adm. Mullen from the Pentagon

8/24/09 Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke on Afghanistan Elections

8/21/09 Remarks by the President on the Recent Elections in Afghanistan

8/17/09 Secretary Clinton on Afghanistan Elections

8/18/09 Security Forces Working to Assure Afghans of Election Safety

8/18/09 Piracy: NATO counter-piracy mission continues with enhanced mandate

8/19/09 Kosovo: NATO Secretary General visits Kosovo

8/17/09 Upcoming Afghan Elections

08/14/09 Assistant Secretary Rose Gottemoeller: "The Long Road From Prague"

08/11/09 Statement on Aung San Suu Kyi; Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

8/6/2009 Remarks by John Brennan at the Center for Strategic and International Studies

7/29/09 Remarks With British Foreign Secretary David Miliband; Treaty Room; Washington, DC

7/26/09 Secretary Clinton Interview With David Gregory of Meet the Press; Washington, DC

7/23/2009 Remarks By The Vice President To The Georgian Parliament

More News


U.S. Policy
Statements, Speeches, and Interviews

Missile blasting off (AP Images)Missile Defense in Europe 09/17/09
Remarks by the President on Strengthening Missile Defense in Europe - Fact Sheet

Ambassador DaalderAmbassador Daalder Speech at Chatham House, London 09/14/09
NATO in a New Era of Engagement

Ambassador Daalder speaks about NATO in Afghanistan at the Netherlands Atlantic Commission event in the HagueAmbassador Daalder Speech at the Netherlands Atlantic Commission, The Hague 09/03/09
NATO in Afghanistan: A New Approach to Operations

Ambassador Daalder Speech at NUPI, Oslo 08/17/09

Ambassador Daalder Speech at NUPI, Oslo 08/17/09
Resetting NATO-Russia Relations


Holbrooke Addresses European Concerns on Afghanistan, Pakistan

Ambassador Holbrooke Visit 07/28/09
Holbrooke Addresses European Concerns on Afghanistan, Pakistan


President Barack Obama, left, congratulates Oksana Sytnova, the top graduate, before making his speech at the National Economic School graduation in Moscow, Tuesday, July 7, 2009.

President Obama in Moscow
Remarks by President Obama at the New Economic School graduation, July 7, 2009


USNATO Ambassador Ivo Daalder speaking at Security & Defense Agenda (SDA) event, June 8, 2009. (Photo: SDA)Ambassador Daalder's Address at the Transatlantic Forum - Berlin 07/01/09
A Full and Urgent Agenda for NATO in the 21st  Century | Q & A

NATO Task Force foils hostile pirates (NATO Picture)Piracy
Announcement of Counter-Piracy Initiatives 
Fact Sheet: Taking Diplomatic Action Against Piracy

NATO Strasbourg Kehl Summit logoNATO’s 60th Anniversary Summit 
Summary of Summit Meeting and Key Documents