Discover the power of giving

You can make an impact on the lives of UNT students every day and inspire generations into the future through your support to UNT. The Division of Advancement is here to help you discover ways to become involved in the life of the university and invest in the leaders of tomorrow.

UNT alumni and friends make a difference

Discover how everyday people through their support of scholarships are empowering students to follow their dreams.

Jan Holden, professor of counseling, supports UNT through the We Care We Count faculty/staff giving campaign.

From student to educator, recipient to donor

Jan Holden, professor of counseling, supports the Emerald Eagle Scholars program and is establishing a scholarship in the College of Education.

Patti and Clarence Hamilton's scholarship supports the dreams of students like Jon Holman

No obstacle too great

Patti and Clarence Hamilton's memorial scholarship supports the dreams of computer science students like Jon Holman.

Tim King and UNT alumna Christie Wood add elegance to the Lyric Theatre

Opera, illuminated

UNT staff member Tim King and alumna
Christie Wood create a plan to add elegance to the Lyric Theatre and raise music scholarship support.

Alums Paul Voertman and Ray and Georgia 'Billie' Gough support UNT students' creativity

Bound by a purpose

Neighbors and fellow UNT alumni, Paul Voertman and Ray and Georgia "Billie" Gough, have quietly supported UNT creativity for decades.