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Welcome to your resource for charitable gift planning!

We've created this Web site to help you dream, about our future and yours. If you're not sure where to begin, try our Build Your Gift planner.

If you already have gift options in mind, click on Compare Gifts to see how your choices match up or click on eBrochures to request specific information on a planning option.

Check Out Our Monthly Feature Articles:

The 1890 Society Revitalized to Recognize UNT Friends
More often than we wish, the UNT Foundation never gets the opportunity to say thank you to our generous friends. These special friends have remembered North Texas in their estate plans and, for many different reasons, have chosen not to reveal their intentions to us. Such was the case in 2009 when the College of Visual Arts and Design received an annuity remainder worth more than $100,000. More

Legislation Lets You Use Your IRA to Help Others
If you are 70½ or older, you have a unique opportunity to make a tax-free gift to University of North Texas from your IRA before Dec. 31, 2009. More

3 Steps to End-of-the-Year Tax Savings
A preliminary look at your taxes this year may have you scrambling for additional deductions, often in the form of charitable gifts. Take these three steps to ensure savings yet this year. More

Prepare Your Estate for 2010 Tax Law Changes
As we prepare to ring in 2010, we also need to prepare for some major tax law changes—unless Congress intervenes soon. Take a look at these three changes that may affect your estate plans should something unexpected happen to you. More

Leave Your Legacy—Twice
If you are in a position to stop receiving payments from a charitable life income gift, you can benefit from an additional income tax charitable deduction. More

Gift Planning



Amazing Evans: UNT alumna's life and legacy in libraries

Louise Evans When Louise Evans (’38) was a student worker in the College of Business Administration, she couldn’t foresee a 42–year career with the University of North Texas as a librarian. She couldn’t predict she’d make a bequest of more than half–a–million dollars to UNT library collections, scholarships and associations. Click here to read more.