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Windows 7 is Here
Resources for system designers, driver developers, and test engineers
Microsoft Device Experience Development Kit

Microsoft Device Experience Development Kit
The Device Experience Development Kit provides information and material you need to know to develop Device Stage experiences for eligible devices.

Graphics Guide for Windows 7

Graphics Guide for Windows 7
This guide outlines the enhancements to the Windows desktop and graphics architecture in Windows 7 and provides design and test configuration recommendations to system and display manufacturers.

Memory Sizing Guidance for Windows 7

Memory Sizing Guidance for Windows 7
Learn about an approach that IT professionals and system builders can use to determine how much memory is required to successfully run a set of programs.

A - Z Technology Initiatives for Next-Generation PCs

Mic Arrays, Multicore, PCIe, Rally, Removable Storage, Secure Hardware, UAA Audio, UEFI, Virtualization, WCS, WDDM, WDF, WHEA, x64, XPS

Windows Logo, WLK, Winqual
Device and Driver Design
Connectivity Design
Hardware Platform Design

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