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Microsoft security updates for September 2009

As part of Microsoft's routine, monthly security update cycle, we released 5 new security updates on September 8, 2009.

Latest Security Updates

  • MS09-045 - addresses a vulnerability in Jscript (KB 971961)
  • MS09-046 - addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows (KB 956844)
  • MS09-047 - addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows (KB 973812)
  • MS09-048 - addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows (KB 967723)
  • MS09-049 - addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows (KB 970710)

How to get the Updates

If you have automating updating turned on, you might already have the updates. To learn how to turn automatic updating on for your operating system, see Update your PC automatically.

If you do not have automatic updating turned on, or to check whether you need the updates, go to Microsoft Update.

Security updates are also available from the Microsoft Download Center. You can find them most easily by doing a keyword search using the words security update and the month the update was released.

Technical information or if you are an IT pro

IT professionals and systems administrators - Go to Microsoft TechNet for detailed information about these updates.

Other steps you can take to help protect your computer

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IT Professionals and System Administrators

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Go to Microsoft TechNet for detailed information about these updates.