About this form

  Please complete your name, home address, phone and e-mail address. Also provide any other information that we may not have in our records. Click the Submit form button to send your update.

  To mail in your changes, download the update form.

Thank you for staying connected with UNT.

Contact us

Advancement Services
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #311250
Denton, TX 76203-5017

(940) 369-8200
(800) 868-1153
(940) 565-4519 Fax


Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields


If you had a different name as a UNT student, tell us your former name.

Home Address

If this is a new address we may not have in our records, tell us your previous address.

Business Address

Spouse/Partner Information

Additional Information