Giving Opportunities

Major Gifts

Major Gifts can be made to name buildings, scholarships, fellowships, chairs, lectureships and more, for yourself or in honor of a loved one.

Endowed Gifts

Endowed gifts are major gifts that create a permanent legacy that will impact generations of UNT students. Funded in perpetuity, an endowed gift ensures the long-term success of the university. Contributions can be designated to scholarships, professorships, departmental chairs, and university centers and programs. Donors may choose to contribute to an existing endowment or create a new one.

Annual Giving

Annual gifts are yearly opportunities to invest in the ongoing, important work of UNT. Each time you contribute to this core support for UNT, you provide for scholarships, student research, equipment acquisition and faculty development. Our donors — alumni, friends, parents, corporations and foundations — are encouraged to designate their gifts to the area they want to support. Most annual gifts are made through Call Mean Green, a student-staffed program that keeps in touch with alumni and friends and generates many gifts which, combined, provide significant funding.

Giving Societies

Giving Societies offer exclusive recognition for donors' generosity and loyalty.

Corporate and Foundation Giving

Creating winning partnerships with corporations and foundations helps ensure the viability of our schools and colleges. Establishing these relationships helps further build and strengthen our academic, programmatic and research capacities.

Planned Giving

We provide gift and tax planning services to create mutually beneficial outcomes for both donors and UNT. We offer ways to maximize your assets through charitable remainder trusts, asset management, estate planning and retirement planning options. Learn more with our gift and tax planning guide.

To speak to someone about giving opportunities, call 940-565-2900 or 800-868-1153 or send e-mail to