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Talons Website/Orgsync New Layout

Dates: N/A

We have launched our new website! Take a look around and get to know more about us. If you have any questions about the website please contact Taryn Warren.

Members: Orgysnc has undergone a makeover! If you have any questions about the new look or cant find something don't hesitate to contact Michael or Taryn.

To find out more information, please contact our Web Administrator:


Dates: Sept 8-12

We will have events every night! They will start at 6:23 PM and we will meet at the 1 0'clock lounge in the Union. More details are listed on the Recruitment Page.

Look up our group on Facebook, Talons Rush Week Fall 2009

Members: Please be be there at 6 PM. We need members to drive!

Contact our Recruitment Director with questions: Caitlin Marren



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