The Osteopathic Research Center is the premier research center focusing on the clinical efficacy and mechanisms of action of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). The ORC also conducts health services and policy research by performing systematic reviews of the literature, conducting population based surveys, and analyzing national health care databases to determine the unique practice characteristics of osteopathic physicians and to provide scientific evidence to support osteopathic medicine.

The ORC operates a fast-paced clinical research enterprise with numerous NIH-funded studies, including the OSTEOPAThic Health outcomes In Chronic low back pain Trial (OSTEOPATHIC Trial), which is projected to be the largest clinical trial involving OMT. Cutting-edge basic science research is assessing the response to OMT techniques, such as lymphatic pump, at the molecular and cellular level. The ORC's health services and policy research is providing the evidence to develop clinical practice guidelines for OMT in conditions such as low back pain.

Faculty at the ORC have been recognized for their research accomplishments through national awards, invitations to present at national and international conferences, and by serving in consultative roles with such organizations as the World Health Organization.