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The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health. Published 25 times each year and circulated to more than 20,000 readers, the Record comes out on payday Fridays. Each issue date is also the deadline for the succeeding issue. Editorial guidelines (style sheet) for story submissions to the NIH Record may be found here.

As a government publication, the Record accepts no advertising; virtually all copy is generated from within NIH. Its contents are reproducible without permission.

Editorial offices are located in Bldg. 31, Rm. 5B41. Phone (301) 496-2125; Fax (301) 402-1485.

Send email to Editor Rich McManus at or Assistant Editor Carla Garnett at


November 13, 2009 

NIH Record Survey NIH Record Survey Site

  2008 2004 2000
  2007 2003 1999
  2006 2002 1998
2009 2005 2001 1997

NOTE: In late 1996, the Record began to offer an online version in html only. Pdfs (printer-friendly issues) are not available from 1997 to early 2005.

Link to Issues 1996 to 1949

All efforts are being made to provide the archival content to users in an accessible format. If you require an accessible version of any of the issues in this archived collection, please contact the NIH Record office, (301) 496-2125.

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