Welcome to the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
website at the UNT Health Science Center


History of the QEP

Every 10 years, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) evaluates the UNT Health Science Center to ensure that it is meeting the highest educational standards.

QEP Milestones

Solicit QEP themes from UNTHSC faculty, staff & students.

UNTHSC faculty, staff & students rank selected themes.

Learn more

Meet the QEP TEACH-HSC Team

The QEP TEACH-HSC Team is comprised of UNTHSC professionals with varied backgrounds from all schools at the Health Science Center. We strive to improve student learning outcomes for all Health Science Center students.

Learn more


Welcome to the new home of the UNTHSC QEP website!
Here you will find information and documents pertaining to the QEP,
contact information, faculty resources, helpful links, and much more.

Please feel free to email us for additional assistance: qep@hsc.unt.edu.

Quick Links