University of North Texas - Denton Master Plan Web Site. Click to navigate to the home page.

The following are preliminary goal statements for the UNT Master Plan, all of which will be reviewed and refined throughout the planning process.

Sustainable Design Principles

Develop a master plan based on sustainable design principles that encourage stewardship and efficient use of campus and university resources.


Develop a vision for the campus that supports the academic and research mission for the university.

Development Framework

Develop an open space, landscape and circulation framework for the campus that will enable the orderly accommodation of future growth.

Community Engagement

Engage the Denia Neighborhood and the City of Denton in the development of the master plan.

Integrated Transportation

Develop an integrated strategy which provides for a variety of transportation options including walking, cycling, transit and private vehicles.

Campus Unity

Develop design and operational strategies to integrate the Eagle Point and Research Park activities with those of the main campus.

Campus Identity

Establish clear and memorable campus boundaries and consistent guidelines for architecture, landscape and signage.

Student Life

Provide the services and amenities to support the various population groups of the University including resident students, commuters, faculty, staff and the general public.



The following are the goals and objectives from the 2002 master plan update, many of which may be appropriate for the current planning process.

Campus Capacity

The Campus Master Plan could accommodate an increase of fifty percent (50%) growth in facilities on the Denton campus. Expansion of campus facilities will be required because of:

•  The current "under built" conditions

•  The proposed thirty percent (30%) population growth in the Metroplex in the next twenty years, much of which is within twenty miles of UNT

•  Increase in new disciplines and demands of the knowledge age that are specifically unforeseen at this time

Pedestrian Campus

Maintaining a "walkable campus" by keeping most academic facilities within the 10 to 15-minute walk from the academic center.

Student Needs

Continue to provide the amenities for the traditional university student, while responding to the need for a comprehensive "metropolitan university" to serve the North Texas Region. These include, but are not limited to:

•  Special on-campus study and meeting areas for commuter students

•  Student life activities which serve traditional, nontraditional, and metropolitan students

•  User-friendly parking systems for day, night, and weekend

•  Strong presence of on-campus and near campus housing for traditional younger students, married or adult single students

•  A responsive balance of "distance learning", off-campus learning centers, and other "connectivity" options to increase convenience for students to include reduction of travel time

•  Work with regional and local transportation agencies to improve vehicular and public travel options from the urban centers to UNT / Denton

•  Specialized student services that enable multi generational and diverse populations to attend UNT

•  Classes and student services provided for full time and part time students

Academic / Research

Promote collaboration and enrichment in the total learning process by integrating undergraduate learning, graduate learning, research, and faculty offices integrated with the academic classrooms and other academic facilities. This will be a major strength and competitive advantage for UNT.

Land Acquisition

Identify land acquisition priorities and public / private redevelopment opportunities in the areas adjoining the campus.

Campus Efficiency

The campus must be user-friendly, accessible, safe and environmentally sensitive. This includes:

•  Comfortable pedestrian and landscape systems serving the perimeter

•  Reliable and efficient bus system for the more remote parking areas

•  Convenient parking systems located on the adjacent perimeter of the academic core

•  Restricted traffic movement within the academic core

•  Provide increased opportunity for special conferences and other community outreach for the greater North Texas Area


Campus Image and Design

Provide for high quality image, landscape, and visual unity for the entire campus through:

•  Attractive and functional campus gateways

•  Defined campus edges

•  Continuity of quality pedestrian and landscape systems, which include walkways, bikeways, bike racks, landscape furniture, lighting, formal and informal open spaces

•  Strategic green spaces for esthetic and functional purposes

•  Architectural guidelines related to scale, materials, color, and certain design objectives for campus buildings



view of the gazebo at the student union
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