Research Profile
Help Guide - Table of Contents (Updated)

Click here for User's Guide on Faculty Profile System : FPS Manual

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The Faculty Profile System (FPS) provides:

  • Individuals and Organizations easy access to innovation, knowledge, technologies and know-how.
  • Industry access to ideas, talent, and geographic proximity to skilled labor pools and R&D facilities.
  • An infrastructure of opportunities for members to get to know one another, share ideas, and learn and develop trust with increased efficiency.

Enhancing our Economy:

The Faculty Profile System (FPS) is a response to the Texas Industry and Technology clusters in order to facilitate problem solving, collaboration, and technology transfer among research experts and organizations in Academia, Industry and Government. The goal of FPS is to become a synergistic marketplace to transfer knowledge, provide experts to solve problems, and expand innovation capacity in order to build new or expand existing markets, provide job growth and develop wealth.

Academia’s new role:

FPS is a method to transform the culture of Academia to becoming sellers and marketers of research and ideas. The role of academia is catalyzing the transfer of knowledge and creating an environment for the rapid deployment of that knowledge by speeding the movement of ideas, innovation and information throughout the marketplace and the economy .Universities are the nation’s greatest “untapped” resources for spurring economic growth!

FPS hosts the following profiles:  (click on the profile type to learn more about it)

All UNT Employees can login into Faculty Profile System (FPS) using their UNT EUID and password. The Login section is located at the top-right corner of the Home screen as shown below.

Login Screenshot
 View Screenshot

Type in your EUID and password in the space provided and press enter or click on the arrow to Login.
Your EUID is the computer username that you use to login to any computer on campus. If you are not sure what your EUID is, contact helpdesk at 940- 565-2324 or

[Reset Password]  

For more information, visit: UNT Helpdesk

For first time users an Account Information Screen is presented (shown below).

Login Screenshot
 View Screenshot

Complete the information and press Enter or Submit and Proceed to My Profiles. Details on the Account Information can be changed in the 'Contact Information' anytime

My Profiles Screenshot
 View Screenshot

Profiles in My profiles fall under two broad categories:


"Your Profiles" lists profiles for which you are the owner. These profiles can only be created by you and edited by you.
Editors for these profiles can be assigned using the Toolbox.

"Editor For" lists all profiles for which you have been assigned an editor.

If your profile is not in the system, you would have the option to create your faculty and other profiles. View Create New Profile for more information.

* 'Editor for' option is currently unavailable

create new profile snapshot
 View Screenshot

You can create the following profiles as shown above:

  • 1. Faculty Profiles
  • This option will be provided only if your Faculty Profile does not exist - View My Profiles for more information
  • 1. Graduate Student Profiles
  • 2. Equipment Profiles*
  • 3. Lab & Group Profiles*
  • 4. Research Center Profiles*
  • 5. Facility Profiles*
  • 6. Technology Profiles*

Each profile has different modes it can be worked on. These options are available only if a user is logged in and is the owner/editor for the profile.


  • Edit Mode: Edit Mode takes you to the Editing view of your profile. All Hidden Content is also visible in the mode. Any content on the page can be added,edited or updated using this mode. See the list of buttons below to learn more about how to edit the content.  View Screenshot

  • View Mode: This is a preview mode of how a visitor will see your profile. Any content that has been made hidden is not displayed here. Also only sections with content are visible to the visitor.  View Screenshot

  • Toolbox: Toolbox allows to change the settings for your profile. Click on the links below to know more about Toolbox.
  •  Toolbox - Profile Settings

  •  Toolbox - Disciplines

  •  Toolbox - Biosketches and Vitas


  • 1. Edit
  • This allows for editing content of any section/information/details.
  • To use this feature click on the edit button and it would direct you to the editable page or provide editable fields
  • 2. Save
  • This allows to save your current changes. Once all changes are done, click this icon to save the changes and view them.
  • 3. Cancel
  • If you are in the middle of editing any section and wish to undo or cancel your changes please use the cancel button.
  • Please remember once any changes are saved they cannot be cancelled. Cancel can be used only while you are editing.
  • 4. Add
  • This button can be used to Add more entries to any section (when applicable). It is also used to add new sections through toolbox
  • On clicking this icon, one or more blank fields are presented to enter new content. Use the save button to add the new fields once done.
  • 5. Delete
  • This button deletes the selected row or the entire section.
  • Once clicked it asks for your confirmation. You can cancel the action by saying No. If you pick yes, then the data is permanently deleted
  • 6. Add Row
  • You would come across this button when you are adding members to centers or equipments to your profile.
  • This button allows you to add a row of data to your selection
  • 7. Delete Row
  • You would come across this button when you are editing member/equipment etc's list
  • You can remove a row of data from your selection this button.
  • 8. Expand Content
  • This button next to content indicates that the content is collapsible.
  • More information can be obtained about the content by clicking on this button located in front of it.
  • 9. Collapse Content
  • This button shows that the section/information is already expanded.
  • Click on this icon to collapse the content.
  • 10. Find or Search
  • This button is used to search for people/equipments/technologies/facilities to add it to a profile.
  • It can also be used to search for existing content in FPS.
  • 11. Request
  • Certain profiles cannot be created. They need to be requested.
  • Use this button to request a profile. View Create a New profile for more information
  • 12. View/Associated Profiles
  • Use this button to view a profile or view Associated Profiles for any profile
  • 12. Close Window
  • This button closes a window that is open is located in the top right hand corner of the window.

Faculty and Doctoral student profiles are built to allow UNT faculty and doctoral students to create an individual web page. Aside from the Core Sections/Data Elements and or Subsections there are data elements that would be necessary for the automatic generation of Biosketches and CV's.
These Profiles also give an option to include descriptive links to labs or other group web pages along with keywords eliminating the need to create separate profiles for them if not required and yet making them searchable.

Sample Faculty Profile
 View Screenshot

Here is a sample faculty profile. The core sections for a faculty profile are presented by default. New Section can be customized and added by using the Toolbox.

Basic Details like Mailing address, Office Location, Various Descriptive URL's etc can be maintained here. Keywords are an important aspect of the profile. The Keywords constitute the meta tags that enables your profile to be searched by external search engines.

Faculty - Contact Information
 View Screenshot

The picture below is a screenshot of the edit mode for the Contact Information. Click on it for more information.

Faculty - Editing Contact Information
 View Screenshot


List of all your professional degrees.

Faculty - Professional Preparation
 View Screenshot

Describes the areas of research you are involved in or an expert at.

Faculty - Research Expertise
 View Screenshot

Entries mentioned here will be displayed in 'Research Showcase' at the Home Page.

Faculty - Research Expertise Showcase
 View Screenshot - Research Showcase


List of all your previous positions including current positions.

Faculty - Appointments
 View Screenshot

List of all your completed and published works.

Faculty - Publications
 View Screenshot

List of all your major performances.

Faculty - Performances
 View Screenshot

List of all major exhibitions.

Faculty - Exhibitions
 View Screenshot

List of all major work in collections.

Faculty - Collections
 View Screenshot

List of all major lectures/symposia attended, organized etc.

Faculty - Lectures/Symposia
 View Screenshot

List of all upcoming events or news articles

Faculty - News Articles
 View Screenshot

List of all presentations and projects

Faculty - Presentations and Projects
 View Screenshot

List of all grants awarded

Faculty - Grants Awarded
 View Screenshot

List of all affiliations

Faculty - Affiliations
 View Screenshot

Add Courses taught in the current, previous and/or future semesters

Faculty - Teaching
 View Screenshot

List of Students Mentored, their dissertation and so on

Faculty - Mentoring/Advising
 View Screenshot

List of Patents

Faculty - Patents
 View Screenshot

List of Consulting Activities

Faculty - Consulting Activities
 View Screenshot

List of Peer Reviewer Activities

Faculty - Peer Reviewer Activities
 View Screenshot

List of Students Mentored, their dissertation and so on

Faculty - Current Committees
 View Screenshot

List of Editorships

Faculty - Editorships
 View Screenshot

List of Memberships

Faculty - Memberships
 View Screenshot

List of Honors and Recognitions

Faculty - Honors & Recognitions
 View Screenshot

Mention your distinguished field experience related to your area of Research

Faculty - Field Experience
 View Screenshot

Mention your various levels of professional community engagement

Faculty - Professional Community Engagement
 View Screenshot

List of renowned teachers associated with

Faculty - Renowned Teachers
 View Screenshot

List of selected bibliography

Faculty - Selected Bibliography
 View Screenshot

A Short Biography

Faculty - Short Biography
 View Screenshot

List additional Information

Faculty - Additional Information
 View Screenshot

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