2009 Summer Institute

Program Description
The Summer Institute is an intensive 3-week session that offers coursework in each of the five major disciplines of public health. Courses are taught by UNT Health Science Center School of Public Health faculty. Students earn three (3) semester credit hours for each course in which they enroll.

Date & Time
June 29-July 17, 2009 (Monday- Friday)
Morning Courses: 8:30-11:30
Afternoon Courses: 12:30-3:30

Course Textbook List

MORNING SESSION (Monday- Friday) Morning Courses: 8:30-11:30
Biostatistics for Public Health I (download syllabus)
This course provides students with the basic knowledge and skills to effectively use biostatistics in research design and data analysis and to understand articles in related professional journals.

Principles of Epidemiology (download syllabus)
The course introduces public health students to how epidemiology contributes to (1) identifying factors that cause diseases, (2) assessing the public health importance of diseases, (3) describing the natural history of diseases, and (4) evaluating procedures for preventing diseases.

Health Services Management (download syllabus)
The course will integrate alternative disciplinary perspectives from management, social science, policy analysis, and health services literatures to provide an understanding of how health care organizations work.

AFTERNOON SESSION (Monday- Friday) Afternoon Courses: 12:30-3:30
Environmental Health (download syllabus)
This course is an introduction to the environmental (physical, chemical, and biological) determinants that influence human health and means of controlling these determinants.

Theoretical Foundations of Individual & Community Health (download syllabus)
This course provides an introduction to theoretical approaches used in developing and implementing behavioral, social and cultural change to improve health for individuals and populations in health settings. Using behavioral theories and research, students learn the importance of integrating multidisciplinary social, cultural, and political/economical perspectives to address health disparities and assess impacts of health policy.

Introduction to Health Management & Policy (download syllabus)
Health management and health policy is a multidisciplinary field of inquiry and practice concerned with the delivery, quality and costs of health care for individuals and populations. The course will have both a managerial and policy perspective with the structure, processes and outcomes of health services, financing, organization, outcomes and accessibility of care.

Public health workers who want to pursue a formal graduate education but are unable to commit to full-time study

  • Public and private sector employees who deal with the public health system
  • Working professionals who want to take the first step toward a master s degree
  • Students in the health sciences who seek to enhance their public health knowledge
  • Traditional graduate students and lifelong learners

See Application Procedures and Deadlines

Lunch provided 3 times/week 
Resume writing and interviewing workshops will be available
All students are invited to join the Dean of the School at the conclusion of the Summer Institute for a reception

To speak to an admissions representative, contact:
UNT School of Public Health
Office of Student & Academic Services
Phone: 817-735-2401
Toll-free: 1-877-868-7741
Fax: 817-735-2619
Email: sph@hsc.unt.edu


This page last updated Jun 02, 2009

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