Teacher Education and Administration Faculty Secure $19,000 Grant

Well done Drs. Mary Harris, Jimmy Byrd, and Jeanne Tunks from the Department of Teacher Education and Administration on securing a grant for $19,000 from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The $19,000 is UNT's portion of a larger grant to Stephen F. Austin University for the Texas Educational Research Center for Educator Preparation (TERCEP). SFA and UNT along with other participating institutions (Lamar University, Texas Tech University, and University of Texas at El Paso) are engaged in a research study about the factors affecting hard to staff schools. The Dean, the Meadows Chair, and the Department have put up matching funds to support this work.

At UNT the funds will support doctoral students who will be actively engaged in the data gathering, analysis, and reporting of data. This research will utilize both qualitative and quantitative methods, drawing on the expertise of the UNT faculty. This research is funded for three years, but may continue for up to five years and may involve the UNT research team in other related projects over time.