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November 17, 2009

UNT names director of arts institute, UNT on the Square

DENTON (UNT), Texas -- Herbert Holl, who has 27 years of experience in community arts organizations and higher education, has been named director of the Institute for the Advancement of the Arts and UNT on the Square at the University of North Texas.

Holl will oversee the Institute for the Advancement of the Arts, which launched this fall to support faculty members and professionals in the creative and performing arts. In addition, he will coordinate activities at UNT on the Square -- a 2,400-square-foot building on Denton's historic courthouse square -- which will be used as the institute's home and as a gathering place and exhibition space for the arts.

Most recently, Holl served as coordinator for the arts for Texas Woman's University. Before that, he was executive director of the Greater Denton Arts Council between 1987 and 2005. He has also served as executive director for the Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa and the Cultural Council of Victoria in Victoria, Texas. Holl began his career at the Texas Commission on the Arts, a state agency.

He has served as an adjunct professor of public administration at UNT, an adjunct professor of music at TWU and an adjunct professor of humanities at the University of Houston at Victoria.

Holl earned a bachelor of music degree in applied music from George Peabody College and master's and doctoral degrees in musicology from the University of Texas at Austin.


About the Institute for the Advancement of the Arts

Designed to support accomplished professionals in the visual, performing and creative literary arts, the Institute for the Advancement of the Arts provides recognition for artistic contributions and an opportunity to share those contributions with the public. Each year, two to four faculty fellows are selected by a review of projects. In addition, the institute hosts an artist-in-residence -- the first of whom is acclaimed screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga.

The Institute for the Advancement of the Arts began operations this fall under the oversight of a steering committee composed of the dean of the College of Music, the dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design and the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The institute is jointly supported by the offices of the provost and vice president for academic affairs and the vice president for research and economic development. 


About UNT on the Square

UNT on the Square -- a 2,400-square-foot building at 109 N. Elm St. on Denton's historic courthouse square -- opened Oct. 21. The building is the symbolic and administrative home of the Institute for the Advancement of the Arts and a gathering place and exhibition space for the arts. In addition to supporting events for the Institute for the Advancement of the Arts, UNT on the Square will host visual arts exhibitions, performing and literary arts events, as well as other activities.

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Ellen Rossetti (940) 369-7912
Email: erossetti@unt.edu

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