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UNT students take top award at National Intercollegiate Mediation Tournament
The tournament, held earlier this month at John Marshall School of Law in Chicago, attracted 30 teams.
General University News | Social Science

UNT's Mean Green Workshops to host 200-plus high school debaters
High school students from across the U.S. will spend several weeks this summer learning the finer points of Lincoln-Douglas debate at the University of North Texas' Mean Green Workshops.
Social Science

Expert on modern China available to discuss Beijing 20 years after Tiananmen Square

On June 3 and 4, 1989, several hundred civilians were shot and killed by the Chinese army during a military operation to crush a democratic protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. The demonstrators, mostly students, had occupied the square peacefully for seven weeks, refusing to move until their demands for democratic reform were met. The bloody end to the protests lessened the concept of political liberalization in Communist countries that was popular in the late 1980s.

Dr. Harold Tanner, University of North Texas associate professor of history and an expert on the People's Republic of China, is available to discuss the impact of the Tiananmen Square massacre on China today. He is the author of a number of books and articles on Chinese policing, criminal justice and modern Chinese military history. His most recent book, China: A History, presents a broad overview of the history of the country from Neolithic times through the present.

Tanner says the students' democracy movement, which began April 15, 1989, came at a time of economic stress, popular dissatisfaction with economic reform and with the Communist Party leadership, anger over blatant corruption, and "frustration at the lack of legitimate, democratic channels for the expression and redress of grievances."

"The movement surely changed the lives of the participants and their families, often in tragic ways. But for China as a whole, in the longer term, the most obvious changes have been that the Communist Party and Chinese government, having learned the lessons of 1989, have taken steps to strengthen patriotic education in China's schools, colleges, and universities," he says.

The government has also trained its police forces in non-lethal techniques of crowd and riot control and continued to prevent the establishment of any truly independent religious, labor, or political organizations, Tanner says.

"In essence, as they considered their own experience in 1989, the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union, China's leaders learned that the best strategy for preserving the Leninist one-party state was to continue to combine sustained, market-driven economic growth with strict political controls," he says. "So far, the Communist Party's social control policies, coupled with sustained economic growth and with the Party's ability to present itself as an effective protector and promoter of China's national sovereignty and respect in the international arena have preserved a high degree of social and political stability."

A sustained economic downturn in China, he says, might undermine the Party's position.

"In that case, popular protest movements might bring up the events of the spring of 1989 as a point of reference. But until such a situation develops, if it develops at all, the events of 1989 will continue to fade from memory as younger generations, who do not learn about or share the concerns of the students of 1989, move through the schools and the workplaces, develop their own dreams for the future of their country and pursue their own careers," Tanner says.

Tanner first visited China in 1984 and lived in Beijing for three years during the late 1980s and early 1990s while studying at the Beijing Languages Institute and at Beijing University. He has traveled extensively in China and regularly teaches courses on all aspects of Chinese history, ancient to modern, and on U.S.-China diplomatic relations.

Tanner may be reached by e-mail at htanner@unt.edu or by cell phone at 940-206-6316.

Social Science

UNT doctoral student selected for internship at International Criminal Tribunal
Rosa Aloisi will work directly with the judges in the Tribunal's Office.
General University News | Social Science

UNT faculty member publishes book on cross-border militant groups
Dr. Idean Salehyan's research notes more than half of the rebel groups had some sort of transnational presence.
Social Science

UNT accepting applications for Media Sales Institute
May 31-June 11 institute provides training in electronic media advertising sales and sales techniques, including getting a client's attention and creating interest, responding to objections and closing the sale.
Business | Education | Social Science

Interfaith Dialogue to take place at UNT
Jewish, Islamic and Christian faiths will be the focus of a discussion about religion on April 21 (Tuesday).
Humanities | Social Science

Lecture at UNT to focus on contributions of Asian Texans
Author Irwin A. Tang will discuss how the triumphant and tragic history of Asian Texans was molded by war, race and oil as part of the UNT's observance of Asian Heritage Month.
Humanities | Social Science

UNT to present lecture by former Mexican President Vicente Fox
Fox will discuss "Bringing the New Economy to Latin America" and his businesses-centered approach to the development of his nation.
Business | General University News | Social Science

UNT to host discussion on eating disorders for awareness week
When Food Becomes a Four Letter Word, Feb. 26 at the University of North Texas. The event is part of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.
Public Service | Social Science

UNT to present Women of Color Conference featuring Pulitzer Prize winner Sonia Nazario
Journalist Sonia Nazario, who won the Pulitzer Prize for feature writing for "Enrique's Journey," will be the keynote speaker at the annual UNT Women of Color Conference March 27 and 28 (Friday and Saturday).
Humanities | Social Science

UNT to present lecture on education of slaves before and after Civil War
Dr. Heather A. Williams, will discuss the enormous roles that African Americans played in providing their own education.
Humanities | Social Science

UNT faculty members release Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy
Students and faculty members now have a comprehensive resource for understanding environmental ethics.
Humanities | Social Science

Speakers from across world discuss motherhood at UNT event
The speaker series, called "Representing the Maternal," covers women's issues and motherhood, followed by discussions about balancing work and home life.
Humanities | Social Science

UNT to hold conference on immigration during 21st century
"Perspectives on Immigration: Strategies for the 21st Century" will bring together experts from around the nation to discuss the challenges that the U.S. is facing regarding immigration.
Humanities | Social Science

Commemorative lecture to discuss Mexican-American influence
Dr. Laura E. Gómez present the lecture as part of UNT's annual Commemorative Lecture in Mexican American History.
Humanities | Social Science

TAMS students to investigate ways to commercialize invention
UNT's Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science students received $7,860 to commercialize an invention that allows employees of a Fort Worth company who use wheelchairs to conduct work they previously could not do.
Social Science | TAMS

UNT to host regional robotics competition
The event is expected to draw more than 1,000 students from Texas and New Mexico.
Education | Social Science

UNT students to receive lessons in media coverage of presidential election
Student-run television station to provide three hours of live coverage, including remote interviews.
General University News | Social Science

UNT Jewish Studies lecture to examine Middle Eastern states' media strategies
Dr. Eli Avraham will discuss how the constant media coverage affects the public image of countries in this area.
Humanities | Social Science

'SNL' satire of Sarah Palin feeds the media's 'cult of personality,' UNT communication studies professor says
Dr. Shaun Treats says Palin has proven an interesting case-study in mediated celebrity and double-edged publicity.
General University News | Social Science

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