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January 12, 2009

MLK celebration week kicks off year of service at UNT

What: A series of events titled "MLK: A Week of Celebration" will be hosted by the University of North Texas Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity and its Multicultural Center. The week's events will include a call for service and change in our community to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When: Jan. 19 (Monday) to Jan. 23 (Friday)

Contact: Cheylon Brown, director of UNT's Multicultural Center, or Uyen Tran, assistant director of the Multicultural Center, at 940-565-3424.  

DENTON (UNT), Texas -- The University of North Texas Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity is hosting a series of events designed to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from Jan. 19 (Monday) to Jan. 23 (Friday).  The events, collectively titled "MLK: A Week of Celebration," will emphasize King's commitment to service and diversity and will kick-off a year of encouraging students, faculty and staff to serve their communities.

The legislation that created the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service was entitled the King Holiday and Service Act and challenges Americans to transform the King Holiday into a day of citizen action volunteer service in honor of Dr. King.

"We have a history of community involvement by members of the UNT faculty, staff and student body," said Dr. Gilda Garcia, vice president of equity and diversity. "We want to highlight that legacy of service and, at the same time, encourage more of the UNT family to become committed to community service in honor of Dr. King."

The series of events will be co-sponsored by the Denton Black Chamber of Commerce and the following UNT organizations and departments: the Black Graduate Student Association, Delta Phi Omega sorority, Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the National Association of Black Journalists, Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, Sigma Lambda Gamma sorority, University Program Council, Voices of Praise, Dining Services, Greek Life, Housing and Residence Life, the Student Health and Wellness Center, Union Programs and the Volunteer Center.

Events will include:
Candlelight Vigil

7 p.m. Jan. 19 (Monday)
The candlelight vigil march in remembrance of Dr. King will begin at UNT's Goolsby Chapel, located on the north side of Maple Street between avenues B and C, and end at Chestnut Hall, located on the corner of Avenue D and Chestnut Street.
Presidential Inauguration Celebration

10 a.m. Jan. 20 (Tuesday)
UNT students, faculty and staff will gather for a live watching party during the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States. The celebration will be located in the One O'clock Lounge and Syndicate, both located on level one in UNT's University Union, which is one block west of Welch and West Prairie streets.

MLK Year of Service Kick-Off

4 p.m. Jan. 21 (Wednesday)
The event will allow university officials to formally announce the initiative at UNT to establish a year of service honoring Dr. King by answering President-elect Obama's mandate for service and change in our community. It will also act as a catalyst to enlist UNT's volunteer and service organizations to commit to a year of community service events and programs throughout the remainder of 2009. The kick-off will be located in the foyer of UNT's Hurley Administration Building, located one block east of Chestnut Street and Avenue C.

Café Diversity

2 p.m. Jan. 22 (Thursday)
"Does having a black president mean Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream has been realized?" will be the topic of conversation for January's Café Diversity, a series of meetings for the UNT community to explore issues of inclusion, diversity, equity and access. The dialogue will be held in room 411 of UNT's University Union, located one block west of Welch and West Prairie streets.

Keynote Speaker Dr. Lee Jones

7 p.m. Jan. 22 (Thursday)
The president and executive editor of "InSpire Magazine," Dr. Lee Jones, will conduct an interactive presentation on diversity in UNT's Lyceum, which is on level three of UNT's University Union, located one block west of Welch and West Prairie streets. Visit Inspire Magazine, for more information.

In Remembrance of MLK

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Jan. 23 (Friday)
An outdoor display will honor the life of Dr. King at the Union Courtyard of UNT's University Union, located one block west of Welch and West Prairie streets.

Additional diversity and service programs will be hosted by the Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity throughout Spring 2009. For more information contact Cheylon Brown, director of UNT's Multicultural Center, or Uyen Tran, assistant director of the Multicultural Center, at 940-565-3424.  

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Buddy Price (940) 565-2943
Email: buddy.price@unt.edu

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