TAMS, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science
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TAMS applicants must be Texas residents enrolled in the tenth grade or equivalent.  Geometry, Algebra I & II must be completed by the end of the sophomore year.  A competitive sophomore SAT is required.  

Judge your competitiveness against math scores posted by last year's class.

Students with These SAT Math Scores...

Were admitted to TAMS by these percentages.

750 - 800
700 - 749
650 - 699
600 - 649

Only 0.07% of students who scored below 600 in Math were admitted to TAMS last year.
Applicants are strongly cautioned:

  1. that only competitive scores ensure eligibility;
  2. that not all applicants who earn competitive scores will be admitted;
  3. and no specific score guarantees entry.



 2009-2010 SAT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines

SAT Test Dates


Regular Registration Deadlines
(postmark/submit by)

October 10, 2009

September 9, 2009

November 7, 2009

October 1, 2009

December 5, 2009

October 30, 2009

January 23, 2010

December 15, 2009

March 13, 2010

February 4, 2010

The final acceptable SAT will be administered on January 23, 2010.
Any SAT taken after that will not meet our February 19 deadline.


The highest score will count for candidates taking multiple SATs.   Send scores directly to the TAMS Admissions Office by designating code 0164, rather than the University of North Texas code.

Contact Admissions: admissions@tams.sch.unt.edu
