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Aspiring writers can get free help at book festival
Meet Paula LaRocque, Dave Leiber and other well-known authors as they present free workshops at the second annual Best Southwest Bookfest on the Dallas Campus April 22-23.
Humanities | UNT Dallas Campus

Writers conference to award book deal
Manuscripts are due June 1 for a contest included in the Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Writers Conference of the Southwest.

Lecture scrutinizes library data mining
Expert sees challenge for librarians in "bibliomining" without invading individual patron privacy in a free talk.
Humanities | Public Service

Dallas Campus hosts visit by urban policy leader
Carl Westmoreland of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center presents Poverty and Slavery: The Global Struggle March 11.
Humanities | UNT Dallas Campus

Lecture traces spiritual resistance during the Holocaust
Alan Udoff describes cultural resistance by the Jewish people in a free talk March 10.
General University News | Humanities

Chilean documentary on Pinochet to show April 5
The Battle of Chile, Part One by Chilean filmmaker Patricio Guzmán examines the presidential election and eventual overthrow of Salvador Allende by Gen. Augusto Pinochet.
Arts and Music | General University News | Humanities

Expert gives talk on mothering during the Renaissance
Margaret King sheds light on mothers of the Middle Ages, who often instilled the love of learning in their sons, in a free lecture March 23.
General University News | Humanities

Former state poet of Vermont to read March 9
Ellen Bryant Voigt penned poetry infused with themes of nature that are noted for bringing the outdoors to life.
General University News | Humanities

Partnership with Mexican university deepens as new office opens
Mexican officials will attend when the College of Arts and Sciences and the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico dedicate a liaison office Feb. 23
Education | General University News | Humanities | Public Service | Research | Science

Free lecture examines love and race in the U.S.
Scholar Earl Lewis discusses the topic at 4 p.m. Feb. 17 as part of African American History Month.
General University News | Humanities

Moot Court squad places fourth in national tournament
After ranking second nationally in 2002, the squad's performance puts it back among top schools, says advisor Kimi King.
General University News | Humanities

Southern author Tom Franklin to read selections Feb. 22
The award-winning short story writer of "lean, muscular prose, soaked in gore" has published his first novel, Hell at the Breech.

Lecture tracks the rise and fall of bilingual education
Historian Guadalupe San Miguel Jr. outlines the 40-year battle over Spanish in the classroom in "Contested Policy," a Feb. 2 talk based on his new book with UNT Press.

Prize-winning author to read from her short stories
Rebecca Meacham will read from Let's Do, which one literary critic called "deliciously subversive, brave and outrageous," in a free program Jan. 27.
Arts and Music | Humanities

Broadcasting ranks among nation's best
Industry insider Leonard Mogel ranks UNT's Radio, Television and Film department among the nation's best in his new book, This Business of Broadcasting.
Arts and Music | Humanities

Poet to read works at UNT Nov. 4
Poet Mark Doty, the only American recipient of the United Kingdom's acclaimed T.S. Eliot Prize, will read selections from his work on Nov. 4 (Thursday).

UNT to present Jewish Studies lectures
The Jewish Studies Program will sponsor three free lectures in October by two distinguished speakers.

National best-selling author and lecturer to visit UNT Oct 13
Dan Chaon, who has won acclaim for his fiction novels and collection of short stories, will read selections from his work and hold a question-and-answer session as part of the UNT 2004-2005 Visiting Writers Series.

Best-selling author E. Lynn Harris to visit UNT
UNT will present an evening with bestselling author E. Lynn Harris at 7 p.m. October 11, 2004 (Monday) in the Murchison Performing Arts Center.
Humanities | Social Science

UNT to sponsor seminar for women
UNT will present the "Women from Diverse Backgrounds and Cultures Coming Together to Speak Out," seminar Nov. 12 (Friday) from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Silver Eagle Suites of the University Union
General University News | Humanities

UNT to present global film series
Films from nine different nations will be shown at the University of North Texas during the Fall 2004 Global Film Series.
Arts and Music | Humanities

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