



Think, Prepare, Act

To visit click on the link, and you will be redirected to the homepage. The website provides information on how to prepare for hazards that may affect North Central Texas, as well as how to contact your local city's local emergency management, and free instructional videos and handouts.

It is essential that citizens recognize the potential hazards in the areas in which they live, work and commute. By becoming aware of the risk vulnerability that surrounds us, we can better prepare for situations that can occur at any given time. There are three simple steps to take to increase your knowledge on what to do if a disaster does strike.

Think: First it is important to recognize any type of hazard which may affect you based on where you live, work or commute. Create a meeting location for your family if an event does occur. But simply creating a plan is not enough, practice and rehearse the plan so you and your family are prepared if faced with an emergency. Establish an out of area contact person for your family to preserve a line of communication if one is not readily available within your area.

Prepare: Gather essential items such as food, water, medicine, pet supplies, first aid items and other necessities specific to you and your family. These items should be kept in a centralized location with easy all time access. You should prepare a kit for both your vehicle and your home. With these supplies you should be able to sustain life for at least 72 hours no matter where you are or what disaster has occurred.

Act: If a disaster does strike, it is crucial that you are equipped with the proper knowledge on how to respond and recover. There are many organizations throughout your community which offer assistance to individuals after an emergency event. Volunteering for those organizations can provide you with useful information on how to cope with a disaster along with giving you a chance to educate your community on the importance of personal preparedness.

Posted on Oct 14, 2008 - 10:15 AM

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