



Know What To Do

An evacuation map is available for download for each University building at the Risk Management Services Website.

In the event of a fire:


  • Activate the building alarm if necessary or if directed to do so by the campus police.
  • On a minor fire that appears to be controllable, immediately dial 9-1-1, and then promptly direct the output of a fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame. Get help, even if the fire appears to be small and manageable.
  • On larger fires that are not immediately controllable, close all doors, but DO NOT LOCK THEM, to confine and reduce the amount of oxygen.
  • Evacuate the building at the nearest exit, alerting people as you go.
  • Once you are in a safe location, and call the campus police, give your name, location and size of the fire.
  • DO NOT USE ELEVATORS IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE, they may become disabled.
  • Assist individuals with disabilities as necessary.
  • Once outside in a clear area DO NOT RE-ENTER the building for any reason even if the fire alarm has stopped.

Posted on Oct 15, 2008 - 10:00 AM

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