2009 - 2010 Parking Permit Information:

I already pay for tuition, why do I need to pay for a parking permit?

Parking is an auxiliary operation. It receives no direct funding from either the State of Texas or the University. As such, the program operates through permits, fines, and fees generated by students, faculty, staff, and visitors who choose to park on campus.

Where does my permit or citation money go?

Major uses of parking funds include: parking lot maintenance and construction; parking and traffic activities related to special events management; police and security-related operations; including, post 9/11 and Virginia Tech continuing security enhancements, and operation and enforcement of parking lots in accordance with our parking rules and regulations.

Why do we need to increase parking permit rates?

Student parking permit rates were last increased in Fall 2003. Faculty/staff parking permits were last increased in Fall 2004. Our costs to provide and operate our parking program have increased significantly since Fall 2003:

  • Asphalt for repaving – on the average increased 74+% with significant expected continuing increases as oil prices continue to rise in the marketplace
  • Cement for concrete paving – on the average  increased 160+% with additional increases expected  in the short term
  • Labor and Benefit Costs – increased an average of 26%
  • Surface Lot parking spaces – costs generally range from $2,000 - $6,000 per space to construct
  • Parking Garage spaces – costs generally range from $12,000 - $20,000 per space to construct

Priorities and progress towards the UNT Master Plan -  As we move into the future, our UNT Master Plan directs us to continue developing our academic and institutional facilities in such a manner that we’ll be required to transition additional surface parking in favor of parking garages and structures. Because garages and structures are extremely expensive to build and operate the Master Plan encourages significant growth and support of other transportation options; such as shuttle buses, bicycles, carpools, vanpools, the proposed DCTA rail system, etc. to help us continue to reduce the need for individually operated motor vehicles on campus.

Why are parking permit rates different for various types of permits?

Permit prices are established based upon a number of factors; primarily including:

  • Location of spaces – the closer or more preferred the location the more expensive. The same principle is used at the airport where ‘terminal” parking is significantly more expensive than “remote” parking.
  • Privilege conferred by permit – “A” spaces are individually reserved spaces and carry a premium of 125% over the cost of regular faculty/staff  “D” and premium “P” spaces which are in preferred locations but only provide a space “as available.”
  • Remember:

  • Bicycles are required to be registered with the parking office primarily so that we can identify the owner if needed. There is no cost to register a bicycle.
  • It is possible to attend UNT for four (4) years, park on campus every day and never receive a parking ticket if you comply with the parking rules and regulations.
  • We always have parking available on class days; however, that parking may not be next to the building or the individual’s parking lot of choice.
  • We encourage the use of the shuttle system, car pools, bicycling, walking, etc. to save money, time wasted in traffic, reduce vehicle emissions, and reduce fuel demand.